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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 26, 2017 <br />Page 6 <br />Assistant Police Chief Tuttle explained that the Traffic Commission recommended <br />approval of placing a three -way stop at the intersection of Fitzhugh and Pine Bluff to allow a <br />pedestrian crosswalk to be installed at the intersection. Mayor Clifford inquired if the citizens <br />would be notified in advance and Mr. Tuttle answered in the affirmative. In addition, Mr. <br />Godwin said the new signs when first installed would have attached banners. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council <br />Member Portugal. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />16. Discuss and act on conducting a special election regarding termination of the quarter cent <br />economic development tax and adoption of a quarter cent municipal sales and use tax for <br />street maintenance, provide direction to city staff, and authorize the city attorney to retain <br />outside counsel related to same. <br />Council Member Lancaster said she added this item to the agenda, because the tax had <br />been in place since voters approved it in 1993. She said she felt it was prudent that the citizens <br />vote on whether they wanted to continue handling things in this way or if they wanted to make a <br />change and change that quarter cent to needed infrastructure and streets. Council Member <br />Lancaster said it was time to ask the citizens if they were happy with the way it was or if they <br />wanted change. <br />A Motion to have a special election in November to ask the citizens if they wanted to <br />terminate the quarter cent economic development tax and adopt a quarter cent municipal sales <br />and use tax for street maintenance, and authorize the city attorney to retain outside counsel <br />related to that was made by Council Member Lancaster and seconded by Mayor Clifford. <br />Mayor Clifford said he heard misconceptions in the public forum and then explained that <br />the motion was not about whether or not to eliminate the PEDC, but rather to have a special <br />election to ask the voters if their taxes should continue to support the PEDC. He asked that <br />discussion be contained to the topic as listed on the agenda. Council Member Jenkins said he <br />was for letting the people vote. Council Member Drake inquired if they could let the people <br />decide about switching it over to a 4B. She also reiterated that the Council was not looking at <br />getting rid of PEDC but rather letting the people decide what to do with tax money. Council <br />Member Drake said 1993 was a long time ago and times had changed. Council Member Drake <br />said she was in favor of letting the citizens decide. City Attorney Stephanie Harris reminded <br />Council of the agenda item and of the motion on the table. Council Member Portugal began <br />reading a statement, which included past perceived problems with PEDC and she stated it was <br />now running well under the current director. Mayor Clifford interjected and said they needed to <br />stay on the agenda topic as listed, and the motion on the table. Mayor Clifford said they were <br />not giving up on economic development but looking at other ways to handle it and asked City <br />Manager John Godwin about economic development he had been a part of in other cities he <br />worked. Mr. Godwin said there were other economic models, and referenced Rowlett and <br />Fairview. He said in Fairview, economic development was under the City and that the economic <br />manager worked for the city manager. Mayor Clifford said they were not abandoning their <br />efforts on economic development. Council Member Knox inquired of Ms. Harris if they could <br />