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Section 914.3.1.2, Water supply to required fire pumps, shall be amended to <br />read as follows: <br />"914.3.1.2 Water Supply to required fire pumps. In buildings that <br />are more than 120 feet (128 m) in building height, required fire pumps shall <br />be supplied by connections to no fewer than two water mains located in <br />different streets. Separate supply piping shall be provided between each <br />connection to the water main and the pumps. Each connection and the <br />supply piping between the connection and the pumps shall be sized to supply <br />the flow and pressure required for the pumps to operate. <br />"Exception: Two connections to the same main shall be permitted <br />provided the main is valved such that an interruption can be isolated <br />so that the water supply will continue without interruption through <br />no fewer than one of the connections." <br />Section 1006.2.2. Egress based on use, shall be amended to add a new Section <br />1006.2.2.6, Electrical Rooms, to read as follows: <br />"1006.2.2.6 Electrical Rooms. For electrical rooms, special exiting <br />requirements may apply. Reference the Electrical Code as adopted." <br />Section 1009.1, Accessible means of egress required, shall be amended to add <br />the following Exception 4: <br />"Exceptions: <br />"4. Buildings regulated under State Law and built in accordance <br />with State registered plans, including any variances or waivers <br />granted by the State, shall be deemed to be in compliance with the <br />requirements of Section 1009." <br />Section 1010.1.9.4, Bolt Locks shall be amended to amend Exceptions 3 and 4 to <br />read as follows: <br />"Exceptions: <br />"3. Where a pair of doors serves an occupant load of less than 50 <br />persons in a Group B, F, M or S occupancy, manually operated <br />edge- or surface - mounted bolts are permitted on the inactive leaf. <br />37 <br />