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EXHIBIT A <br />All that certain tract or parcel of land situated about 4.75 miles South 68° East from the City of <br />Paris, in Lamar County, Texas; part of the John W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1001, and <br />being all of the called 280'x 1000' tract of land, as described in a Deed to Jason Boehler and <br />wife, Whitney Boehler, and recorded as instrument number 141107 -2017 of the Deed Records <br />of Lamar County, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: <br />Beginning at a 1/2" iron pin (set) for a corner in a Northeast Line of US Highway 271, same <br />being the Southeast corner of said Chambliss tract, and same also being the Southwest corner <br />of a called 9.326 acre (Tract One) tract of land descried in a Deed to Patrick C. & Sylena M. <br />Devoss, and recorded in Volume 535, Page 327, of the Real Property Records of Lamar <br />County; <br />Thence N 620 52' 08" W with a Northeast Line of said Highway 271 and with the Southwest <br />Line of said Chambliss tract, a distance of 315.238', to a '/2" iron pin (found) for a corner, same <br />being the Southwest corner of said Chambliss tract, and same also being a Southeast corner of <br />a called 85.505 acre tract of land as described in a Deed to Patrick Cole Devoss, and recorded <br />in Volume 1564, Page 117, of the Official Public Records of Lamar County; <br />Thence N 000 04'01"E with the West Line of said Chambliss tract and with an East Line of said <br />85.505 acre tract, a distance of 1023.258', to a '/s" iron pin (found) for a corner, same being the <br />Northwest corner of said Chambliss tract, same being in a Northeast corner of said 85.505 acre <br />tract , same being the Southeast corner of a called 10.441 acre tract of land as described in a <br />Deed to Patrick Cole Devoss, and recorded in Volume 1564, Page 117, of the Official Public <br />Records of Lamar County, and same also being the Southwest corner of a called 11.965 acre <br />(Tract Two) tract of land, as described in a Deed to Patrick C. & Sylena M. Devoss, and <br />recorded in Volume 535, Page 327, of the Real Property Records of Lamar County; <br />Thence S 84° 42' 33" E with the North Line said Chambliss tract and with the South Line of said <br />11.965 acre tract, a distance of 279.356', to a '/2" iron pin (found) for a corner in the South Line <br />of said 11.965 acre tract, same being the Northeast corner of said Chambliss tract and same <br />also being the Northwest corner of said 9.326 acre tract; <br />Thence S 000 03' 35" E with the East Line of said Chambliss tract, and with the West Line of <br />said 9.326 acre tract, a distance of 1141.256', to the Place of Beginning and containing 6.941 <br />acres of land. <br />The bearings recited herein are based upon the East Line of said 85.505 acre tract, <br />being N 000 04' 01" E. This description was prepared from an actual survey made on the <br />ground with field notes completed January 16, 2017 <br />