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Item No. 17 <br />memorandum <br />TO: Mayor & City Council <br />FROM: John Godwin, City Manager <br />SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM <br />DATE: August 21, 2017 <br />BACKGROUND: The city council recently approved calling a November election to allow <br />voters to consider eliminating the one -fourth cent Type A local sales and use tax, and <br />substituting a local option road maintenance sales tax in an equal amount. At the same meeting <br />during which the election was called, the council discussed that it was not the city's intention to <br />eliminate economic development activities or staff entirely, but to fund that function from the <br />city's general revenues. Specifically, we briefly discussed deleting the funding for road <br />materials from the city's General Fund since road maintenance would be funded by the new road <br />tax (if approved), and in turn funding an economic development office in an amount roughly <br />equal to that which we are now expending on road materials ($600,000 in 2017 -18). This would <br />have an overall neutral impact on funding, but would shift more funds from ED to road <br />maintenance. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: In order to be prepared to make the change if voters approve it in <br />November, and also to educate voters on what the city's plans are in that event, the council <br />should discuss and consider what sort of economic development program, funding, and staffing <br />it wants. We also recommend that if the PEDC and its board of directors are eliminated, an <br />economic development advisory board be created and appointed in its place. Citizen input and <br />the added expertise of such an advisory board would still be crucial to the success of ED efforts <br />going forward. The council also needs to consider the timing of changes, since financial <br />liabilities will require the PEDC to continue to exist for at least several months, and perhaps as <br />long as two years after the election, regardless of its outcome. I have attached a suggested <br />approach, possible timing restrictions, and a draft plan for a new board. <br />BUDGET: NA. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to staff. <br />