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06/26/2017 MINUTES
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06/26/2017 MINUTES
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Paris Visitors & Convention Council <br />Board of Directors Meeting <br />June 26, 2017 <br />4:00 pm <br />Members Present: Mary Lou Coe, Derald Bulls, Chadlee Johnston, Tony Corso, Renee Harvey, Brenda Wells, Bryan Hargis, <br />James Wyatt, Cleonne Drake, Lisa Walker, Jeff Martin, Stephen Gerrald. <br />Staff Present: Ken Higdon, Gina Crawford, Becky Semple and Drew Ruthart . <br />Lisa Walker called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm. <br />New VCC employee Drew Ruthart introduced and welcomed to the board. <br />A motion to approve the May minutes was made by Derald Bulls, seconded by Mary Lou. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Financials presented by Ken, motion to approve the financials and budget made by Tony Corso, seconded by Chadlee <br />Johnston. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A funding request from Power at the Tower presented. They were asking for $2,500. A motion to approve $1450 was <br />made by Mary Lou Coe, seconded by Bryan Hargis. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A funding request from Eiffel Benders Recumbent Rally, Ride and Demo. They were asking for $760. A motion to approve <br />$500 was made by Chadlee Johnston, seconded by Tony Corso. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A funding request from TCIC/TLETS Conversion Training, TOOT was presented. They were asking for $2500. A motion to <br />approve $1,500 was made by Mary Lou Coe, seconded by Brenda Wells. Motion passed unanimously <br />A funding request from Bug Tussel Antique Cars was presented. They were asking for $1,200. A motion to approve $900 <br />was made by Chadlee Johnston, seconded by Derald Bulls. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A motion to approve a check to Rotary for $1445 for sign at bike kiosk located at Love Civic Center was made by Brenda <br />Wells, seconded by Bryan Hargis. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A motion to approve purchase of 10,000 gold pins and dollar amount required for this amount pins was made by Chadlee <br />Johnston, seconded by Derald Bulls. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A motion to approve Bylaws was made by Mary Lou Coe, seconded by James Wyatt. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A meeting will be set up for James Wyatt and Drew Ruthart to discuss marketing, video and photo productions. . <br />Becky Semple gave directors report. She commented we still need some volunteers for Tour de Paris. <br />Lisa Walker updated about the bike kiosk that to date there have been 248 bicycles rented. Chadlee Johnston will meet with <br />Brent at Paris Air to discuss a solution for information kiosk at Love Civic Center. <br />A meeting with Earl Erickson, Jack Neal, Greg Wilson and Lisa Walker will be set to discuss and get an idea of signage for the <br />Trail. <br />Next meeting will be on July 19, 2017. <br />Motion to adjourn at 4:54 made by Chadlee Johnston, seconded by Tony Corso. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Becky Semple <br />
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