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Meeting Minutes of the Main Street Advisory Board <br />107 Kaufinan St <br />Paris Texas <br />City Council Chambers <br />Tuesday, September 12, 2017 <br />Present: Absent: <br />Glee Emmite Shelley McDowell <br />John Brazile <br />April Coward <br />Cody Kelly <br />Laurie Redus <br />Frances Reed <br />Becky Semple, Chamber Liaison <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />Cleonne Drake — City Council Liaison <br />1) Call meeting to order- Glee Emmite at 4:35 pm <br />2) Citizens Forum- None <br />3) Approval of minutes of last meeting Cody Kelly moved to approve the minutes, Laurie Redus seconded, minutes were approved <br />4) Main Street Managers updates - <br />a) Cheri introduced John Brazile as a new committee member. Devin Blalock had to resign due to employment change. <br />b) Festival of Pumpkins Is October 28`h. Hours have been changed to 9-5. We have lots of vendors, need sponsors. Board will <br />have a tent, members will have a schedule to work that day. <br />c) Mannequin Night — October 21 ". Jill Awtry Simpson is in charge, Mythology, Folklore and Fables is the theme. Downtown <br />merchants may need our help with organization, food truck parking, etc. <br />d) Work plan — Debra Dresher, Texas Main Street Coordinator helped develop our priorities into Three Strategies and Four <br />Principals (the Four Points). Cheri commended the work Laurie did on pulling the transforming strategies into action sheets <br />for easier understanding. We want our Main Street to be nationally recognized, and want to always put our best foot forward. <br />The Main Street program is nationally proven to work across the country. Cheri is providing access for the board to Roger <br />Brooks' series of webinars on downtown revitalization and development. She will email us all a link to the latest webinar and <br />wants us to watch it, along with the Q&A, as she asked a question and received an answer during the session. Glee thanked <br />Cheri and Laurie for all their work in making the work plan understandable for us all, then opened the floor for nominations <br />for committee chairs. Glee will take Design, John Brazile will take Promotions, and Laurie will take Economic Vitality. The <br />post of Organization committee chair will be tabled for now and revisited next meeting. April Coward moved to accept the <br />slate, Laurie seconded, and the motion passed. <br />5) Committee Liaison Reports - <br />a) HPC — Glee reported the old PHS Gymnasium has been purchased, the new owner has brought the design for a new fagade to <br />the HPC for approval. The Belford Apartments (pre -dates the Fire) on South Main has been deemed to need to be <br />demolished. <br />b) PDA — Glee stated upcoming events are Antique Fair and Wine Fest, Trick or Treat on Halloween. The Christmas Parade has <br />been scheduled, and Joan Mathis will be the Parade Marshal. <br />c) Chamber of Commerce and V&CC — Becky Semple said that most local museums were very happy with the turnout for <br />Stroll and Roll. Mannequin Night will have a tour of 50 people from Kansas stop in Paris for Mannequin Night. They are <br />from the "Are We There Yet?" tour company, on their way to Magnolia Silos in Waco. Staying at the Comfort Inn. <br />d) Cleonne Drake talked about the Bed Races, sponsored by the Lamar County Crime Stoppers, on Sept. 30'h at the <br />Fairgrounds. People can pay to vote for their favorite. There are currently eight teams, with a $200 entry fee. The hope is to <br />eventually move the races to the Plaza. <br />e) Market Square Affair— Cheri said 90 tickets have been sold, max is 100. Setup begins Saturday as soon as the Market <br />finishes, around 1:30-2. Need committee members to serve. Should last two hours or so. <br />