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Preservation Services recommends the retention and repair of original windows whenever <br />possible. We believe that the repair and weatherization of existing wooden windows is more <br />practical than most people realize, and that many windows are unfortunately replaced because of <br />a lack of awareness of techniques for evaluation, repair, and weatherization. Wooden windows <br />which are repaired and properly maintained will have greatly extended service lives while <br />contributing to the historic character of the building. Thus, an important element of a building's <br />significance will have been preserved for the future. <br />Chairman Dux went on to explain the Design Standards for the Paris Historic District <br />talk about the windows and types of replacements. Commissioner Dux asked for clarification as <br />to the type of windows being vinyl, or vinyl clad wooden windows Ms. Daniel was proposing. <br />Ms. Daniel confirmed that the application was for vinyl clad wooden windows. Commissioner <br />Dux said he had driven by and noticed that some of the windows looked original, in which Ms. <br />Daniels stated 10 years ago the windows were bricked up, and that when the bricks were <br />removed all that was left was some rotten pieces of frames, and so they replaced all of the <br />windows 10 years ago. She told the commission the windows don't open and close, they weren't <br />done well, they are not insulated, single pane glass, but they did what they could afford at the <br />time, and now they want make them better. <br />Commissioner Dux also had an article from the magazine "This Old House " with <br />information comparing window types with substitute materials, noting the defects of vinyl <br />windows. He asked her if she would be willing to withdraw her application and review the <br />information and come back to the commission. He let her know most preservation commissions <br />wouldn't allow vinyl of any type. Ms. Daniel stated that she had the vinyl windows approved on <br />the front of her building several years ago, and it was her understanding that this was allowed. <br />There was more discussion on windows panes requested by Ms. Daniel, appropriate divided light <br />panes, scale, size and dimension of the windows and the windows on the buildings next door. Ms. <br />Daniel said she had talked to the HPO, and had been told that divided light panes that had <br />divider mullions sandwiched between two pieces of glass would not be acceptable, so they were <br />going with single pane over .single pane window as pictured. <br />Commissioner Dux said he understood that there may have been some confusion if in the <br />past vinyl clad windows had been approve. He also stated there are also some nuances about <br />aluminum windows in the standards being allowed if they are powder coated. Ms. Daniel said it <br />is incredibly frustrating as a business owner and someone that is trying to do something good to <br />her building, and there seemed to be some changes in the commission decision process, because <br />the first time they had to spend an extra $4000 to get vinyl clad windows instead of aluminum <br />windows, and now this time it is different standard. She also stated that she was told originally <br />that the rear of the building didn 't fall under the purview of the commission, but now recognizes <br />this has changed too. She also stated that she wouldn't have done any work without a COA had <br />she known the back of the building was in the purview, because she is a supporter of downtown <br />and tries very hard She felt as if some misunderstandings were being held against her. <br />Commissioner apologized to Ms. Daniel for any misunderstandings and told her nothing was <br />being held against her. Commissioner Hider asked if it would be reasonable to make an <br />