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(Updated 1-11-16) <br />POLICY STATEMENT <br />CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR TAX ABATEMENT <br />waived. <br />The local taxing jurisdictions encourage existing employers to retain as many jobs and as much <br />existing annual payroll as is economically feasible for the existing employer, while remaining <br />competitive in its industry. <br />VII. Greenfield projects <br />In order to encourage the development of greenfield properties and also to be able to expedite <br />certain new projects, the criteria for tax abatements for improvements to real property and for new <br />personal property at authorized facilities set forth in Article V above shall be waived for projects <br />exclusively involving greenfield properties. <br />VIII. Application Process <br />Application Process <br />Eligibility <br />Any present or potential owner of taxable property in the Taxing Jurisdictions may request tax <br />abatement by filing a written request with the City Manager, County Judge, or PJC President, with <br />a copy of the application forwarded by the applicant to the Executive Director of the Paris EDC. <br />Form <br />The application shall consist of a completed application form accompanied by the following: <br />1. A general description of the improvements to be undertaken together with the projected new <br />value to the property and the type of business operation proposed. <br />2. A detailed descriptive list of the improvements for which abatement is requested. <br />3. A list of the kind, number, and location of all proposed improvements of the property. <br />4. A list of the number and type of jobs created, including information pertaining to anticipated <br />job transfers (if any). <br />5. A metes and bounds description and plat of the proposed reinvestment zone that shows all <br />roadways within 200 feet of the reinvestment zone and all existing zoning and land uses <br />within 200 feet of the reinvestment zone. <br />6. A time schedule for undertaking and completing the proposed improvements. <br />7. The type and value of any additional economic development incentives requested. <br />8. Any other information about the proposed project as may be required by the Taxing <br />Jurisdictions or as deemed desirable by the Taxing Jurisdictions. <br />Review <br />1. All applications will be initially reviewed by members of the Tax Abatement Advisory <br />Process <br />Committee. <br />2. An initial project briefing meeting will be conducted between the company's representatives <br />and the Tax Abatement Advisory Committee. <br />3. The Committee will evaluate the request for tax abatement in accordance with these criteria <br />and guidelines and will make its recommendation to the Paris City Council, Lamar County <br />Commissioners Court and Paris Junior College Board for their review and approval. <br />4. After the Paris City Council has been briefed on the proposed tax abatement offer and they <br />have directed the Committee to move forward, the Paris City Attorney will draft the initial tax <br />abatement agreement for review by the Tax Abatement Committee, the PEDC Board and <br />representatives of each Taxing Jurisdiction. <br />5. Electronic versions of the City's abatement agreement will be provided to the County and <br />PJC so all agreements have consistent language, terms and conditions. <br />6. Following Tax Abatement Committee review of the draft agreement, it will be sent to the <br />applicant's legal counsel for review and comment. Any changes requested by the tax <br />abatement applicant will be reviewed and considered by the Committee and City Attorney. <br />7. Once the Agreement is finalized, it will be placed on the PEDC Agenda for review and action <br />by the PEDC Board. <br />8. Once the Tax Abatement Agreement has been formally approved by the PEDC Board, the <br />Agreement shall be forwarded to the Paris City Council, Lamar County Commissioner's <br />Court and Paris Junior College Board of Regents for final consideration and action. <br />Public Hearin <br />1. The Taxing Jurisdictions will comply with certain public notices and hearings re uired as <br />6 <br />