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<br />are inadequale to fund the obligation at the time il is detconined. you a!:l'ee to take the <br />appropriate budget",>, action sufficient to pay the obligation. <br />f. You agree to p"y us a monthly service charge determined by multiplying the Monthly <br />Service Ch;uge shown in Ille Schedule of this Agreement by lhe number of employees <br />covered under the Plan as of the fIrSt day of each calendar nionth commencing on the <br />Effective Date of this Agreement. Paymenl shall be due as of the first day of each cal~'Ddar <br />month and shall be payable no lat~T than the tw~'Dtieth (20th) of the mnnlh. <br />g. You agree 10 acl on all benelit appeals in aecord:mce with the provisions outlined by the Plan. <br />b. You agree that if a payment is made 10 or on behalf of an ineligible p<.Tson or jf lID <br />overpayment is made to a covered person, the Group Benefits Administrator shall attempl, <br />with full cooperation and assistance of the Employer, to recover such paymenl througb <br />Io:imbursemcnl or from future benefits thaI 1x:come due to such person or entity. The <br />Group Benefits Administntor shall nol be responsible for any such paymcnt Or <br />overpayment unless it was due 10 gross negligence nf the Group Denefits Administrator. <br />i. You a\:Iee to become a member of thc TML Intergovcnunental Employee Benefits Pool <br />and to be bound by the terms of thc TML Intergovt:mmental Employee Denefits Pool <br />lnlcrlocal Agreem~'DI. Where there are conn iets 1x:1 ween this agrc<.'l11cnt and the Int~Tlocal <br />A!:l'eemenl, the t,;nns of this Agn:~'l11ent control. <br /> <br />m. DURATION OF AGREEMENT <br /> <br />This agreemenl shall lake eft!:ct on Ihc effective dale and shall automalically be renew~-d for a <br />succcssive twelve (12) month period unless terminated by either party as set forth in S.vtion IV. <br />Modification oCthe agreement is acceptable as oullined in Section V. <br /> <br />IV. TERMINATiON OF AGREEMENT <br /> <br />a. You can termillale this Agreement by giving US written nntiee of your intent to do so, at <br />Icast 31 days prior 10 the terminaliun date. <br />h. We can terminate this Agnemenl: <br />(i) immediately, by written noliee to you, if you fail to proYide f\Olds requir.~l by the <br />Plan, fail 10 pay our charges when due, or in any other way fail to perform YOllr <br />duties under the Agreement; <br />(ii) 31 days after giving YOll written ooltec of our intenl to do 50. <br />C. You agree to pay US lor any outstanding charges within 31 days of your receipt of our bill. <br />If you do not pay soeb charges within the 31 day period, in addition to thaI payment, you <br />will also pay us for any attorney's fees or otber colleclion fees we incur, pIllS the maximum <br />int."Icst allowed by law. <br />d. We will have no further obligalton to process claims after this Agreement terminates. <br /> <br />V. MODIFlCATlON OF AGREEMENT <br /> <br />a. If you and we agree on the term5 of the modifications, this Agreement can he modified at <br />any time. <br />b. We can change any of the charges sbown in the Schedule 31 days after giving you written <br />notice 01' our int.'Ut to do so. Such written notice shall slIpersede the applicahle ilcms(s) in <br />the schedule and allY prior sucb notice(s). HOWCYeI, no such change shall take cffecl <br />sooner than the r~t aruuversary oftbe Effective Dale shown in the schedule. <br /> <br />r'g< 4 .U <br />