<br />0~/~8/20~~ 04:19
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<br />9~392524B5
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<br />BUZBEE (,;UMJ-'ANY
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<br />t"Aot. tJL
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<br />ARTIClE 1
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<br />Th,'( :llnlr.I,'1 n,),'tllnc:lUs C.'( Insist tlfthls ^Kr....".R1c:nt. Comtithms of the C,mfr,u:t CGI.'n(.'ml. Supph.'nwl1l:.rr :111\11 'Ih,'r c :111\\lItl, lib).
<br />I )1':IWIIlW', Spl,,'Ul"\llln.,lO, ~lddf..'I1t1:II'''\I''c.l prlllr In 1.'''l'('UllllIll,r (hl~ I'Rrt.'I..'!l'WIl1. Hlhl...r tlnchnwlU!<o Ii"ll'll ii, thi:'\, AJ\(t'I,.lu'UI :11141
<br />Mlldilk:l1ic),,~ is,"Ut,\1 ;lftt,,'r"'X"'(,'Ullon ()rlhIS ^~rl'c.>n'I:IlI: Ih\~c.. rOml Ihe: (~()I\UW,:I. :lI1d :In,' ;IS fullY:1 p:lrl4lfllw C :.tIIlr.I\,1 :1..lf:lIl~h'hc..,1
<br />In ,hI... ^A"'f,,'l1l1.'ll1 ('I' rC:Il\';IlC..'<<.! hc:n:in. 'the CUI1(J\u:t n:pn:sclltl'l the.' (.'nllr<.' ~nd Illr\."~r:m.'d ;1~r"l.'nh.'1H h"I\\"\TIl Ih,' p:lnk~ ""(('1"
<br />untl ~lIpc.'I"S(,'dl'1'I prlc Ir 1\t,').!olhulon!". n:prl.'~I',,;uionsor :1~n!t.'Illt.'IlI:ol. ...ilhl.'r wriUt,.'Il 01' I U';I!. "'\1\ \'ll\lln'..'mtie In Ofllll' (A 11111";1\'( 1)1 ,,'UIIl\'lIb,
<br />,..It!:r limn Modifkll1lll1b. III'P"",II'.'I In Artit.:h: 9,
<br />
<br />ARTICLE 2
<br />
<br />'l1w C:umr:IC,:tul' sh:11I C1tc('utl" the entin.' Work de~('rihcd in the Com....Jet Ofx,'lImc.,'I'us. (,'x<.'t,,'p( tOlhe,: ,,'X1(.'''' spc..dfK':dl~' indk:llc:d In
<br />th..' <:.'n(ra....t I)o....umcnfjl; 10 be the tcl'it'Xms1hiUty of others. Hr:.t.o;. follows;
<br />
<br />j'.
<br />
<br />.....
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<br />ARTICLE 3
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<br />3.1 111t,' d:UC! or (,mlmc:ot.'cmC:nll" the date rCC)m which th~ <:orttrolct Time" ()fl'arJl(f"Jph ;\,1 Is n\t.'~\lr,,'d. and "h:dt he.' the.' 4.1:111,,' ,.1'
<br />I hl:ol Af(r'\....n\c,..,.... all OfS.t written :,hc)V~. \.Inl(..~~ ~ different dOltl' Is sI2tcd helt)w I, II' prt wlsit Ul Is m.td... Ii Ir llw ,I:U\' It) IX" Ihn,lln :1 m .lIn'
<br />1U pmn.'l."C.I L....'i\K.-.J hy the.... ownet,
<br />"".l.'" "Il' .11"(' f!( ClmUIII'"n'''lI'm. II " II.,,fl"," I'mm It,.. (It''C' t~r '1II~ AH"'''''''''''' .,,., (( ,,/,/1I;(.t,ht4'. ,~/("" II"" ''.". .1,11.. ,,'(11 Ih'/I,vnl III II """. I' I. ./,,..... ....., ,
<br />
<br />t1nle.'S."\ thc'. d:llt' of ,"ommcnc,'t"mt'i\I is r..'st:.hli~ht..'d hy ~ nnlll,Y to prc.)C:r.'t:cJ i'i!l\,IC~d hy 1hc.' Owner. t1w COl"llr,l",1Ur Hhull 110.111')' 11",
<br />()wlle.'r in wrirlnf( nul h:s.>; than Ovc.' days Iwrol'\' (,,'IJ(I1m"'n<:ing the.' Work 10 pcrmillll(.' lirlldy OJill)( of 1l10r1A:IJ.tl'S. IIIn'h:ulle.":\ lirll",
<br />:lIld IIlh,,'r sl"t'urlly Interc.'Sbi.
<br />
<br />3.2 Thc' Conrrnrlor sh:dl achieve Sl.lhst~ntJal Compleflon of the c.'mire WOfk nol I:.ucr Ih~n
<br />('''lit',1 II". 4,,,/.""/"" ,1"'1' II,. ,,,,,.,IH,,,. tI{t'''/I'''f/"r It"y." ,1/1('" 1(1('11111(' ,~( tlm,l'It"k'C'm.',u. .,,(,~u ,,,.'((.,., {my '."("""''''''''',_/..r """11..,. .'lfl~"""".,I' "'11I/",'1"'" ../. ,.J'
<br />,,/1" IHII'II.."., ,,/ "... \t'",.,l.o. U 11I.1 ."dll'l/l'/.'U,'II'II('I"C' ill "It' (;tI"Ir,,,'1 1)1"""""'''$.)
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<br />"
<br />"
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<br />, suhJ4..(,.t 10 :lc.JllISlrnc,,'IWI of thL'i Contr:ac,,'( Time: a'i pmvldc<.l in the COnl!':U,,'1 J')()(,'UOll'nIS.
<br />1/11....,'1/"'.'.1.'(;.,,'.1, ~/ ~ml', (.." III/IIIt/II/I'l1 "'fn'UI.'("~ ,.,>lf/""1I III lltll,,"' Iu (um/"""',III 1;11I1'.)
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<br />AlA DOCUIIs;NT Al01 . OWNf.K.C:ONTRM:1'OR, "(:RP.l~Mt:~" . "nrm,tfTlI p'l)JT1()~. AIAtt .4:)lI)H"
<br />"Inl "Mlll\l(~"'''' INS1'1'I"'TF.I.J1 A.1\~;lh'I'~~;T!'I. I?,\~ N~"" YC)RK ...VENI't:.Ii,'W,. W^:iIIlNCi1'ON. I",;. ':UU\lC'
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<br />A101-198T 2
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<br />WMNINQ.: Unllc.nNd Pt1Ol0c0pylng vlolatea U.I. copyright I... .n~ I.. ."bJecIIO legalprotRUllon.
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