<br />~4/~B/2~~~ ~4:19
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<br />9l:l3'j:l~:l411~
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<br />tlUl.}jt..t. WI'tllHl'iY
<br />
<br />'.H\.IL. U"'1
<br />
<br />ARTlCLE "
<br />
<br />_ 5.1 I\mit.'d lI(XJIl AI''IIlIlC-J.ti<m~ ((I' Payment :iuhmlttL-<.t t\1 (he Archhc.oc:;t by the: O)ntr'Jct()( and (:Crllfic.'Ulc~ for JJ:lyl1k.'nll~~u(,'\' hy the.:
<br />1\r",'hl1l.'('I. th... Owner shallll\;t,kl' rm~fc~s p:J.ymen\~ on a<."("4)unt uf the Contract sum lO the o.)I\1r.lC:Ulr ;L"'l pnn'l,h,-,II't\.'h'W 1.11'"
<br />l'lic.'whcn..' In the CUI\U"J.t,'1 I)()cumc:nl~.
<br />5.2 'l'h". rk.'rh,ll ('u"l..:f'\.'c.I hy l~IC.'h Appllc:tthm f"r "aymcOt ~h311 he' (Joe (.';llcl1tbr mc>nth c,,'ouit\R \)11 \h,,'I,L"" d:l)' II"dno nl(JI\lh. ()r:L"
<br />r,)lh)w~:
<br />
<br />,.
<br />'.
<br />
<br />5.3 Prllvh.Ic....1 ilO ^ppth:..lion ror IJ:'ymt,'llI Is rc..'('cl~c...-d hy the Aft:hill!ct not later th2ll the
<br />d:lY of:.L J1\c,lIlth, the ()wfl~r shall make P:J.YIllC..'Illltllhc (:UI'It'.u:wr nt,' 1~ltcr Ih:1Il
<br />Ih,' iJ.y (If the p1(>Olh, Ir.n Applkatl(ln "" J~II'm,'nll' "".,.,." hI' Ih"
<br />An'hl":," ;lfll.,"r 11ll.; ;,ppll(,....t.\1n ..loth: fix~..d \,t)uv":. p11yrn-:l'\t llh:lll be n\';u.k hy lhe Ownt:1' not I:Uc.~r Ih:IO
<br />~Jar~ ;1"11:1' the Arc,;hhcc,'1 recl.'lvc:s the AppUc~tion (or Payment.
<br />
<br />5.4 E:I,'h :\PpUl.111Ion rill' P'.I)'I1l(,.'1U sh:tl1 hl..' h~t~c..'d upnl1 the sl,;hc:dulc l)r\'~d\It:S ~ul"lmIHc.'ll hy 1 he.' Cl11111"',1C,'UII' In m,:,',)rd,II1(T wllh
<br />Ih\' t :1 lnl,':h'l I )II('UI\I(,'I\I"'. TIll' :-.dll'duk ur\'~tlll\'S sh:llI..lh)4.';ltl,.' th.., (111h\' C"tltnKl ~UIH :lItl~ln~ Ihe; \';lrh 1\I!'llltlllhlll' I ,flh,' \'<ilrk
<br />.mc.t he.' 1'11..1',11......1 tn ..urh 1()rIll :1,,\1 :"upporu.'d hy sW.:h (latH III :illhl'ilantl:tt..'Jt... :U.'\'\lr.t\.'Y ~IS tin' Arl'llih.,'t nmy l\'C,luir", Thl~~('lu..,ttll\'.
<br />11111,',.,. llhl......\c".d 10 hy Ilw :\r..:I1IU,'4,.'I. shilll hI,.' ll~CcJ ~IS:) hash.. fOf ".\.jl.;wing the..' OnUI':'I"h)r'~ :\pftlit":.ulolls fur 1",Iyn,,:nl.
<br />5.5 AppU(,":lliul\!' Ii)f Payll\(,:nt :ihall in(,II(,:.lh: Ihl..' pcrc.'C1)\.agt: o( complelion of c:~t(."h ""rtiollof tilt.,' WI Irk :Il'i oflh(,'l'lld I ,t' 111(,' )'K.'rltH.1
<br />\'t)vc.'n,,'1,1 h)' 111(,. ^PI')Iic..'Uliun fur 1'~,yI"\l,."Il[,
<br />5.6 ~'Il,*'l't tOllu.' pro\'hdonl'i of lh(,' CtUllr.,..'t l)oc,,'Ul1ll.'llt~. the amollnll)r ..'aeh pru}(l'\!~S p:.t)'JT1C1\1 shjll he: ~:ol1lpuh:d :.1" li,nuw~:
<br />5.6.1. 'I!,kc.' th:'lll'lonlnl1 (,rthe (:ontr~ltl SuaH t'm)pcrly ~llluc..-Jhle to c,,"omplclCc.I work j:-; lkl(,'fI11hu:d hy l1Juhiplyinf.t Ihc,'lwrl'\'nt:I)t(..
<br />\"(1I111,ll",I'II")I'C.,,11,'111'(I(lt,,n ,.fthe.: Wcn'''' h~" thf.'sh~n.: tl'.II1(.' un;d ~:()ll(rJ...t ~"Il)l ;111(,..":.111,.,1 "llll~U p\'rCitlllllr'll\' '-"ilrtt ill Ilh.,~'lll"1.'uh..
<br />of vall1l,,'s, less rctahl.1Kc,,' 01' PCl'l'c,'nt
<br /><< 'i"I). pe:ndlll"" ftn:.d l,.1c:tf.'nnin:.nion uf l,:o:iI tt1lh~ ()wncl' of ('hanW::i hl thl.' \\\)rk, ~m,)1.l1l's Ile)1 itlll1\' lUSPUU'l\l:.IY Ill.'
<br />I"dtllkd :IS 11fO\'ldn.1 in SuhIlOlr,I)(r:.lllh ;.,\,7 nflhc f.i<:ncr,t1 C\ln(,lItlon~ CV(,'(l.lhouy,h lhl,.' Contr;tft s,\111l It;l:' nol ~'" Ill,\'" :llliUSlc.'d
<br />hy (:h:Ul~I,' Orde:r:
<br />5.6.2 Adll th~1I P"flioll uf thl.' C:onlr.~c.:l S\IJll propc:r1y alt\M.:~hlt! 10 nl:ucrl;l,ls ~lrld l'qulpJTle:r\l tkli\'l'fc."d ~1"c.1 sul1:thty Sh)r\,\1 :11 Ilw
<br />:"Illl'l\ll' :iUhSI.""I,IC,'lll illl'(lq"h)r.lliul\ illlhc cornpk'll.u l,.'unstructlon (or, If :lppnwl'tlln Ud\"~llll'l..' hy the.' C )Wlwr. ~lIll.lhly shu'c:c.lolnh"
<br />SiB," ~I :llc.l,:"lol\ ~lj(n"t.'(j \IPUIlIIl wrltlo~), Ic.;:i-'i n.:t...iml~ of
<br />Ilc,'rl\,'nl( %);
<br />5.6.3 S\lhtl'ile.'1 llw ;IAAre.1('.d.tc,' elf rtt:Vk)US p:'lymc:nt~ Olade oy the OWJle:I'~ ,lOd
<br />5.0.4 Suhtr:lc.'t mllcnll\fS, If :'IIlY. for \\'111(,:11 the: Afl."huc:rt h,IS ",.'ithhdlt or mlllifi,,"d;, (;(:rlllll'"'''' ,',,1' p,IYlnl'nl (IH pl'\)\'I..I(,..lln 1':11>:'1,
<br />Xr.II)h "5 01" the (il'l1C,'r.,11 c.~Jnllltil)ns.
<br />5.1 TIll" prl)J.{rl.'S."i JY.lrlUl,.'lll :.1l11tlllnl lk'll."rmlnnl ill :ll'l'~m,l:tn("c: with p:lr:.1~rJrh ';.(1 sh.11! ht: fllrtlwr O1nc.lif1nl undl'r III\' followlnJ.l
<br />,"in.,\II""':'",,"I.'1oI:
<br />5.7.1 Add. \I(X1Il S\lh~u:mtlal <:()mph:llt)O e,f \h~ Work," sum !\u((idenl to InC'rc:a.~ the: tc)t~ p'Jym(,.'nt" u~
<br />percenl ( 'X, ~ IIf1hl' (;,mtr.u.1
<br />:\"111, 1c."S,"" slid I :.tmuunt~ a,'i ,he: Ardlitcc.'( sh:.tll (Jcte:rmlnc fur Incomplete w'urk :lnd un~"ttlc.'\1 d:,hn~: :1Il1l
<br />5.7,2 ^..kl, If tin:" c'(llllpk'llon uf ,he.: Work Is thl'rl~lftCf m~rcrl:1I1)' dd~I}'r:c..1 thrnUWl no f:luh ur II\\' (j'IUr,I,.tur, ~I"Y :.lddlllull:11
<br />;UlIlIunts p:tY1Ihlc.' In :1c.'c.'ol'lkUlt:.., with suhp;lr~Jtr:lph t). au,:' uf the (il.'nL'rJI Cooditlulls,
<br />5.8 Ikc,hlC.'ltUIl or Ilmlt:,Uon of 1'c,.t:a1n~R~. if ~lny, ~h~l be :1.,'1 follows:
<br />"/ I' ,~ ",,,'11,1,..,, /"',,,,' ", ,'I,,'''''''''''''' (,"""1"1";(11I l!l "'(, ,."11.,, 1I"~,".(o. te. I"t'('"~" ",limit II',' I'''(''''I'.'I,C' n"'rl/';I'~ Ir","Il", I""" ,'11'''1:1'10 ;"04,,.,,,1 II' """'''''~f "
<br />.1:"""'" .; I, 1 """ .. " ..' 111'1"',', ""d 11,i.~ 1.0 '''''1:\,/''111111'(/ ,oI,~4'wl,,'n' iI' II", (,'..nt''l'''' f"H'/"m',II.~, 1II.~t"'I f/t'r,'t.n.,'i..;..". ,..I' .~"I'. ,..../11. I",,, ",'/'"'''f''''''' , ,!
<br />
<br />I
<br />I,
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<br />--
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<br />Iii
<br />11'
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<br />AlA DOCUMENT 11.,6" . CIWtn;KC:I,t"'l'ItAC:'I'C)R A(:KY.v.MI;1";'1'. '1'Wtl.I,l"'H flnn'loN. ...IA'" . (','ll)H"
<br />Till', MWlCll ,,,:'Ii l:o.i!o IITt 'Tl~ C W ^KClIITt'.CI"S, l'";t'i NtiW VOllK ^\If.:,\,I'It N,W" W.\:\III:""(:T( );>.:, I',t;, !tMMM"
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<br />Al01-1987 4
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<br />WARNING:. Unlletl'lUd photocopying v1ol.t~ U.S, cOP'lrlgh1111W'1 ~ 1* St.tbJKI to 'egsl pAJftWUal'l"
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