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clarified to report to 1-1110. Commissioner Alarid asked what happens rf'someone is doing work <br />without a permit what occurs at this point, does the city go and red tag the property, or do they <br />just go to the owner? He stated every other place in the country when a building is red tagged <br />the owner cannot occupy the space until the problem is corrected, and does that not happen in <br />Paris? Commissioner Dux stated that he didn? know what the process is from the building <br />permit side, Carla Easton came up and explained that there is usually a stop work order issued <br />by the building inspector, and the city works with the property owner as best as they can. The city <br />tries to work with the property owner lj's(.)me(,)n,e refuses to he compliant, then it becomes a code <br />violation. Commissioner Steely asked how often that happens that people work without a permit. <br />Ms, Easton stated she was unsure how often, but if anyone sees something they can come up and <br />report it, and the ladies in the office can check out the permits by address. It does happen, and <br />neighbors can report the concern if necessary, and the city will check it out. <br />Commissioner Dux reviewed the process of violation and proposed fies, Commissioner <br />Steely asked about boarding up windows in the Historical District? It was determined that <br />blanker panels (plyivood infill) for historic landmark properties would require a CCA. <br />Commissioner Dux encouraged the Commission to read the historic preservation <br />ordinance. It was his observation that the commissionspends a lot oftime discussing things that <br />are water under the bridge and things the commission cannot do anything about, and our duties <br />and powers arcs; <br />I . Adopt rules and procedures: <br />2. Adopt identification criteria and rules for delineation of historic <br />district boundaries; <br />Conduct and administer historic resource surveys; <br />4. Recommend designation of districts and landmarks; <br />5. Establish committees as needed; <br />6. Produce and distribute minutes of meetings; <br />7. Develop public outreach/education/awareness programs; <br />8. Approve/disapprove certificates of appropriateness; <br />9. Provide design and other reasonable forms of advice to owners and <br />tenants of historic properties in, the certificate of appropriateness <br />review process; <br />10. Recommend acquisition of endangered historic resources to the <br />city council when necessary; <br />It Submit an annual report to city council and the mayor on the status <br />of preservation in the community and the work of the commission; <br />12. Prepare and promote design guidelines for landmarks/districts. <br />