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for the areas in Texas, The hand out showed that East Texas average monthly hangar rate <br />is $136,00, Mr. Godwin stated that our current monthly hangar rate is, $165.000. Mr. <br />Godwin stated that he believes that the new hangars rate should be higher and that we <br />might look at letting loyal hangar renters have the first chance for the new hangars. The <br />Airport Advisory Board agreed with Mr. Godwin's comments, Motion was made by Matt <br />Birch, seconded by Tim Bullock to allow the loyal renters to have the first chance f -or the <br />hangars and for the rental prices to be $185.00 and $195.00 per month -for the new <br />hangars. Motion carried 4-0. <br />6. Discussion reg ar(ling the neiv he conslt,uclion prqleci. <br />Carla Easton,, City Engineer stated the walls on the inside are Lip and the paving work <br />should be poured next week. Mrs. Easton stated at this time the hangar has no electricity <br />but it should be Lip and running soon. Mrs, Easton further stated that there have been a few <br />concerns from other hangar owners about drainage. We have contacted the F-Ingineer on <br />the project about the concerns and they are looking into the issue. <br />7. Tour the neiv hangai- con,,s',tru.ction prqject. <br />Carla Easton, City Engineer gave the Airport Advisory Board a Lour ofthe new hangar. <br />8. Requesled items fi)r fi.tlure e,-,igendos. Delinquent heingars, diseuss (levelopinent <br />o1q7orfunifies and new han9cir construction I)rqlea <br />9. Ileeling, aq <br />�o urne(,I aI 6 03 p. in. <br />APPROVED THIS 19,""' DAY OF OCTOBER, 2017. <br />Chairp <br />