<br />~4/0B/2~~~ ~4:19
<br />
<br />9~392524B5
<br />
<br />
<br />I"'A\:lt. In:
<br />
<br />ARTICLE 1
<br />
<br />Th,' <:I.n11":.1,'1 I)c),'llllWIlI:>; t'e n'l~I:'Ot l)fthh ^Mrc,,'I,.'mc:nt. (:ondiUt)Os ()fthc C(mtr,u,', CGI,,'I1(,'ml. SUllplc,'nwnl:.rr :lIltll "hc" C :\11,,1111, IU:'\).
<br />I h".l\.vinn'l, "1'K'('Uh"tlthm... ~u.ld,,'nd:l 1'1'1\1('(\ prlllr tel 1.'):('('Ufl.\ll elf (hl~ "Hrl.l..m....nt. t.,Ill'r dck.'hnWIll~ li~ll.(1 ill .hi.. ",,\("('IlIl""1 :md
<br />Modltk:llic illS i,,,s\ll,,'d :It'h,,'r l,.'Xl'c,'utlon c)flhis AWl'c'mel'lI: Ihl,,':'l,' form Ilw (:c "Ura(". :1I1l,1 ;m; ;IS "ul1~':1 p:lrlllt'lhc' (:, ml1':I\" :1\ ,I' :lll~ldtl'd
<br />1'_ thb :\f.l,rtTlllt.:tll of r('pl".;ltc".cJ hcrc.:ln. 1'he Contrm:t n:pn:'1cJ1fs Iln' <.'ntlr<: and inh:J.,tr:m.'d :1~h'\'n1l'1II h"I\\'",,1\ Ilh' p:lnll'~ 11(""'111
<br />untl ~lIpc.'I"S('d('s pric If 1\(.'W,{j:ltlon!'. rcpn.'SC'm:nions ur ;IA~c.'I\\c..'ll1S, l'ithc:( Wf'iw:n t)l' C 1r.11. ."" c,'llunWI'mit IU C 11'1114,' CIlIur:ll'll >. ",'lIl1ll'lIb,
<br />,uh~r limn MI)difi,';nllll\l'l, 11J'11M,,'Ul'.'t In Artk'h: l).
<br />
<br />ARTlCl.E 2
<br />
<br />'l1w C:un(r.:.c,:(ut ~htdl 1;;1((.'(\1((" the en.irc.' Work des('rihcd in (he ('"nmr-.l(,( O()e..tlmc.....lt~. e.'x<......rt (0 rhe.' c,'x1<.'llt ~1l(,'<.'lfk:~dlr indk:llt'll in
<br />lhe.' Cuntnl\"l J)ol.'llmcnr~ I() t>c the tc..-srxmslhiHtl' ur mhcr~, (lr a., follows:
<br />
<br />"
<br />,
<br />
<br />....
<br />
<br />ARTICLE 3
<br />
<br />3.1 Thl' dale n(('tlmmc;nt'ement i~ the datt.' (rum which the: <;untrJ.ct Time- ofl'arJ~mrh .....lls nlc,"~I~\lre.'t.I, .;1I'c..I ~h:dI1l('llw c.I:lh"11'
<br />1I\ll'l Af(n.'(,'n'le.'nt, a."i (iI'st writte-n ~hnvc.:, unlc...":'j~ t.ltUffcrcnt date.' Is st:lled hell)w or pruvtsi\lI1l~ m:lde.' Ii Ir till" t!;lh." II' hc,'lhn.lln :1 II( III\'\'
<br />1C J po )(.'l't.'t.I L...."UL'\l oy the.' owner,
<br />"",W'" ""' ,4"" l~rc""""""'n""I'f", '1 If iliff"'" ",um "It. e'fllC' (~,. 'b'~ "H""''''''''' I,f', ({ I'I'IJ/i("f,h/('. ,\.",/t' Ih,,, '1.... "",.' ".1" 11l.1'.~nl h, " ".,1',,' '''I"~",,....II
<br />
<br />l1nlc,'S.'i thl' d:ltt' clf'n'mmcn('t!'mt~l\Ils (.'st~hli"hed hy ~ 0(111~ to fll't>e".l;'....l'i!'l:vr....1 h)' the.> Owner. Ill,' (:'Inl,,,,'.,.r Hhllll.I,IIU')" ,Ih'
<br />()wl1e.'r In wrirln~ r'u1lc..'~'i than tlv(,> dars Iwron." e.'urnme."ncing the.' Work to pcnllh l}le.." Ih\1dy 01111)( of ll1orlA;lj,tl'S, IJIn'h:lnk'\ I":u!'to
<br />:1I'cJ lIth,,'r ~l'(..lIrll)- Interc..'Sts.
<br />
<br />3.2 Tht' <:nnrl":ll'lnr sh:dl achieve S\.lh~t~ntjal CompleUon o( rht: e.'mire Work not 1:IIt."r th:all
<br />
<br />(/"111'111/"..."',-",1",. ,I'd., II,. ,,,,,,,hI,, fll,'"I,-n"", ,l,~.',. 'ifI~" ,h(' (I"/p j~f """,,".'Ikv,m-,,'. ,"I.", ;".q'", ,my """/"II,'m,'n'..I..,..-d;II.T ."41~\"'''"l'' f ~,m,."'/.,.,, ..,. .,,.
<br />1,1/" ,""."","~ '11 II'C' In.,.",,. U II'" .Y/,ll,,,/"/Jt'II'IH,',,,,' i" Ib,' 1;",,,,.,,,.//)11("""1-,.'10.)
<br />
<br />:1
<br />
<br />, ~lll)I"'e..t h) ;IdlllSlnu:n(N (If thl'i (;'>otr:l<<.,'( Tlnu: a"i pn)vldc<.lin the O>ntr.IC,'r J)c.)r\llJ\t"..u~,
<br />"",~.'''' I.n.,',',,,",,,,,,,, ~I (mi'. I..,. tlt/"I'/"'I"I ,k,,,,,,,R.('.( ,.oItIOlfll tll.!,III"n' III ClIlIII'/('/('1m /;1114'.)
<br />!
<br />
<br />I
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<br />AlA. DOCUMI!NT Al01 . c)WNf.K.c.:()NTK;'(;Tt)~ AGRP.I:Mt:NT . TWI~I,""II P.OJTlt>N . AlA- . li::l1C)K"
<br />',',,,, "MIHUC :"1"IINS,"I'I', 'Tit III' "n~;,lt"'~(:TS. 17.'~ NY-W YC)RI( AVENt'I~. "....... W^:tIlINCI"I'ON. I,.,;. ':UUVCt
<br />
<br />Al01-19oT 2
<br />
<br />WA..NING: UnllcenMd P"lot04:Opylng vfalale. v..S. COpyrIght I... ancllt. .ubf_ct 10 lega' prot.cutlon,
<br />