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1) <br />2) <br />3) <br />4) <br />5) <br />Present: <br />Glee Emmite <br />John Brazile <br />April Coward <br />Cody Kelly <br />Laurie Redus <br />Frances Reed <br />Becky Semple, Chamber Liaison <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />Meeting Minutes of the Main Street Advisory Board <br />107 Kaufman St <br />Paris Texas <br />City Council Chambers <br />Uctober 1U. 201 / <br />Absent: <br />Shelley McDowell <br />Cleonne Drake — City Council <br />Liaison <br />Call meeting to order- Glee Emmite at 4:30 pm <br />Citizens Forum- None <br />Approval of minutes of last meeting Laurie Redus moved to approve the minutes, John Brazile seconded, minutes were approved. <br />Main Street Manager's updates - <br />a) Festival of Pumpkins is Oct. 28`h from 9-5. Lots of support for this from the city, but still looking for volunteers. We will <br />have our tent on the Plaza, Amanda Willows from Adopt -a -Cop will be sharing the tent so she'll be able to assist us as well. <br />Cheri will send out a schedule for board volunteers. John, April, Cody all said they can be there as needed. Jill Drake will <br />also assist. Only a few vendor spaces left — about 15% increase in participation from last year. <br />b) Mannequin Night is Oct. 21 ". Led by Promotions Committee and Jill Awtry. Fairytales and Folklore is the theme. <br />c) Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting is 11-11. The date will change beginning next year to the third Saturday in November, as <br />it's too close to the Festival of Pumpkins, and the city needs a chance to do cleanup and get the tree and decorations up. <br />d) Cheri discussed committee assignments for our work plan. Cody and Laurie agreed to switch committees — Cody will take <br />Economic Vitality and Laurie will take Organization. Chairs are to get with Cheri to set up times for committee meetings. <br />Informal meetings, don't all need to meet monthly, but do need to schedule regular meetings. Will need an agenda and <br />minutes for each meeting, per state Main St. regulations. Cheri offered subscriptions to Roger Brooks' Destination <br />Development webinars to committee members. <br />Committee Liaison Reports - <br />a) HPC Glee and Cheri talked about the mission of the HPC in Paris, that it's supposed to be less about code enforcement and <br />more about determining landmark status of structures in the Historic District. <br />b) PDA — Glee stated upcoming events are Antique Fair and Wine Fest, which is maxed out on vendors, and Downtown Trick - <br />or -Treat. <br />c) Chamber of Commerce and V&CC —Reno Haunted Trail is this coming weekend. Cyclists from the Texarkana area (the <br />R.A.T. Pack — Ride Across Texas) will be in town both days this weekend. Chamber Banquet is 10-17 at the LCC. Gene <br />Stallings is still scheduled to be the speaker. Tickets are $40, to benefit the PDA. <br />d) Promotions — John said the committee has the first meeting scheduled for right after the MSAB meeting. His goal is to add <br />one new event to the yearly calendar. Glee suggested to find a month without other activities, in order to spread out the <br />activity. <br />e) Economic Vitality and Organization — a motion was made by Glee and seconded by April to accept Laurie's offer to move <br />from Economic Vitality to Organization, and to name Cody as chairman of Economic Vitality. Motion carried. <br />6) Future Agenda Items- Cheri presented the application for a BIG Grant from Daniel Frame/Kari and Josiah Daniel for <br />replacement windows on the back side of their building. They have to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from Building and <br />Standards before we can vote on the grant. That committee meets 10-11. MSAB will call a special meeting for 10-19 at 4:30 pm <br />in the City Hall Annex to hear the presentation and vote on the grant. Decision must be made by 10-31. <br />7) Motion to adjourn - by Laurie, with second from Cody. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm <br />