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<br />U.S. Department of Justice <br />Office of Community Oriented Policing Services <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />.-COPS ~nSchools FY2000 Application Form <br /> <br />This form is to be completed by jurisdictions applying for grants to pay for salaries and benefits of new or <br />rehired School Resource Officers to be deployed to work in and around elementary and secondary schools <br />under the COPS in Schools Grant Program. By signing this form you also acknowledge your understanding <br />that the.COPS in Schools program grants provide a Federal contribution up to a maximum cap of $1 ~5,OOO <br />per officer, with the remainder to be paid with local funds. There are no waivers of the local match under the <br />COPS in Schools grant program. AU budget calculations must be based on the salary of an entry-level officer <br />in your department. All COPS in Schools grant recipients must develop a written plan to retain their <br />COPS-funded officer positions for at least one full locally set budget cycle after the conclusion of the <br />federal grant period. This plan must be submitted to the COPS Office with your application and must <br />be signed by both the law enforcement and government executives. The COPS Office will monitor <br />retention for one full locally set budget cycle following expiration of the federal grant. The application <br />must also include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to document the roles and responsibilities of the <br />collaborative effort between law enforcement and education. The MOU must be signed by the Law. <br />Enforcement Executive and the appropriate School Official. And the application must include a Narrative <br />Addendum to document that the School Resource Officers will be assigned to work in and around primary or <br />. secondary schools, and provide a descriptive narrative of the use of School Resource Officers. The narrative <br />must be signed by the Law Enforcement Executive and Partnering Agency Official. <br /> <br />COPS in Schoolsfunding must be used to hire new, additional School Resource Officers, over and above the number of <br />sworn officers that your agency would fund with state or local funds in the absence of the grant (including other School <br />Resource Officers). Your agency may not reduce its state or locally-funded level of sworn officers (including other <br />School Resources Officers) as a result of applying for or receiving COPS in Schools grant funding. <br /> <br />COPS in Schools funding may also be used to rehire sworn officers previously employed by your agency who have been <br />laid off for financial rea<ons unrelated to the availability of the COPS in Schools ""ant. However. your agency must <br />obtain prior written approl'Ul from the COPS Office ifyoll wish to me COPS in Schools fllndin!!. to rehire any officer <br />who is laid off afler the official award start date of Ihe COPS in Schools granl. <br /> <br />Applications are due and must be postmarked no latcr than June 16,2000. <br /> <br />Please comrlet... th... information hl.'l,m. Each ih:m or qu...stinn must hi.' ans"...r...d in full. All requested <br />information must hi.' typed. <br /> <br />Previous edllions arc obsolete and may nol hi.' used <br /> <br />II COPS In Schools <br /> <br />Application Form <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />