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PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 EASTKAUFMAN <br />PARtS, TEXAS <br />M'ONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2017 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M.. <br />A G E N D A <br />Call meeting to order. <br />2. Approval of minutes frorn previous meeting. (November 6, 2017) <br />3. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Eddy Thornas for a <br />change: in zoning ftorn a Single -Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to a Mixed Use <br />Planned Development District (PD), located at 3787 N,W. Loop 286; known as 3.801 AC, <br />in the Isaac Cruise: Survey, A- ] 62, being all of Lot 7A & Lot PT of 8; Residue of Lot 8, <br />14.113AC; & PT of Lot 6, in City of Paris, Block 331, as recorded in Warranty Deed <br />142722-2017, recorded 04/21/2017, Deed Record Lamar County Clerk. (A emotion to <br />remove this item from the table is required before deliberating,) <br />4. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Rick Casey for a change <br />in zoning from a Two-Farnily Dwelling District (217) to a Multi -Family Dwelling District <br />No. 2 (MF -2), on, Lot 5, Block A, Final Plat, Wynnwood Addition being located at 860 S. <br />Collegiate Street, <br />Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Kathy Mathis on behalf <br />of E. Mario Garcia for a change in zoning from General Retail District (GR) to a General <br />Retail District with a Specific Use Pennit (SUP) for a Tattoo Shop, located at 1247 <br />Clarksville Street, on the City of Paris Block 103-A, Lot PT of 9, being known as 1225, <br />1245, 1247 Clarksville Street. <br />6. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of the City of Paris, 'texas, <br />to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1.710 by eliminating the sale and rental of trailers in the <br />Central Area (CA) Zoning District. <br />7. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of the City of Paris, Texas, <br />to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1710 by creating the Specific Use Pen -nit (SUP) process <br />within the Commercial (C) Zoning District to allow the sale and rental of trailers. <br />S. Adjournment, <br />' <br />POSTED: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2017; '10 'CITY _HALLANNEXBULLETIN <br />BOARD <br />BY: <br />