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<br />(c) ENGINEER may submit montWy stalements for basic and additional seIvices These <br />will be based upon ENGINEER'S eslimale of services completed at the lime. and <br />OWNER shall make prompt payments. If OWNER fails to pay ENGINEER within <br />sixty (60) calendar days of the receipt of ENGINEER'S statement, the amounts due <br />ENGINEER shall increase al the rate of one percent (1 %) a month ENGINEER may, <br />after giving seven (7) days written notice to OWNER, suspend services until paid. <br /> <br />(d) In the evenl oftennination by OWNER, ENGINEER shall be entitled to payment for <br />services rendered through receipt of tennination notice. ENGlNEER will also be <br />entitled to payment for all reasonable tennination expenses. <br /> <br />(e) "Tennination expenses" means reimbursable expenses, salaries, and overhead costs due <br />to termination, including, but not limited to, transfening job records to OWNER, <br />lermination negotiations, and reassignment of personnel. <br /> <br />"Reimbursable expenses" include, but are not limited to, long distance telephone. <br />postage, equipment, expendables, mileage, subcontractors or special consultants, <br />freight, testing fees, copies, and blueprints. Where special consullants or subs are used <br />as additional services, the ENGINEER'S reimbursement shall include a seIvice charge <br />equal to 5% of the subcontractor's invoice amount. <br /> <br />4. S~rvi~~, 10 h~ P~rf()rm~d hy OWNFR: OWNER shall: (i) designate a specific person as <br />OWNER'S representative; (ii) provide ENGINEER with any previous studies, repOlts, data, <br />budget conslraints, special OWNER requirements, or other pertinent information known to <br />OWNER; (iii) ensure access for the ENGINEER to properties necessary for performance of <br />the ENGINEER'S work; (iv) provide legal, accounting, or insurance consultants, financial <br />advisors or other similar specialists as required for the project; (v) make prompt payments in <br />response to ENGINEER'S stalements; and (vi) respond in a timely fashion to requests from the <br />ENGINEER. ENGINEER is entitled to rely upon and use, without independent verification <br />and without liability. all information and services provided by OWNER or OWNER'S <br />appointees. or with respect to bUtied utilities, the utility providing service in the project area <br /> <br />5 T~rminMi()n The obligation to provide further services under this AGREEMENT may be <br />tenninated by either party upon ten (10) calendar days written notice, in the event of substantial <br />failure by lhe other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof <br /> <br />6. R~II'~ ()fn()rJIm~nl': All documents prepared by ENGINEER are instruments of service for <br />the specific project contemplated under this AGREEMENT. They are not intended for reuse <br />on extensions of that project, or on any other project. Any reuse without written verification <br />or adaptation by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended will be at OWNER'S sole risk <br />and without liability to ENGINEER. <br /> <br />7. N()li~~,: Any notices to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be affected either <br />by personal delivery. in writing, or by registered or certified mail. <br /> <br />2 of JO <br />