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SPECIAL MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />CITY OF PARIS - CITY HALL <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 2,201 <br />12:00 O'CLOCK P.M: <br />A G E N D A <br />Call meeting to order. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meetings. (Decernber 5, 2017) <br />Public hearing to consider of and take action on the petition of Brad Hutchison, Partner on <br />behalf of J & B Paris Partners on Lot 4-5-6, Block 3, of the Stellrose Addition, being <br />located at 2301 Simpson Street. <br />The petition requested a variance of Section 11.5-3 (b) (la -d) of the Fence Ordinance which <br />provides as follows: <br />(b) Fence heights: <br />(I )Front yardfience requirements. <br />a. No fence shall be permitted in the front yard with the following exceptions: <br />i. On lots zoned historic overlay district (HD) and in accordance with the <br />design standards adopted by the historic preservation commission. <br />ii. On lots in excess of two (2) acres in size which are used for single-family <br />residential purposes. <br />iii. On lots which are zoned and used for LI or HI purposes. <br />b. If permitted, ornamental fences may be permitted in a front yard in residentially <br />zoned areas if not designed or serving as an enclosure. Ornamental fences include <br />such things as split rail, picket, decorated metal, and brick fences, but not such <br />things as chainlink, wire, or other similar fences. <br />c. In residentially zoned areas, no fence over forty-two (42) inches in height above <br />the average grade of the yard shall be pen-nitted from the front building line to the <br />street right-of-way line. <br />d. In residentially zoned areas, all front yard fences shall have a minimum of fifty <br />(50) percent open area for passage of air and light. <br />