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Love Civic Center <br />ZMMSZZ�� <br />Love Civic Center <br />Novernber 9, 2017 <br />Present: Curtis Feniolley, Greg Wilson, Roderick Martin, Josh Bray, David Cook, Drew Crawford, Linda <br />Kapp, Casey Ressler, Chip McEwin, ii Ressler, <br />III Illiiiii'l Ill MORRIS iiii'llillili 11111111 ill 'Ill I I I <br />A motion to approve the August minutes was rnade by Casey Ressler, seconded by Chip McEwiin, All <br />approved. <br />Greg Wilson gave an overview of the October Financials, Casey Ressler, made motion to approve, <br />seconded by Helen Ressler, <br />Gina Crawford stated that the Chamber and LCC will be meeting with Bill Woodward about marketing <br />material. <br />Drew Ruthart displayed the Eliffel' tower in a bronze painit. It was discussed and decided that the change <br />of color needed to go to VCC board and then to Executive Comirrifttee to be approved, It was also stated <br />that the painter wiH need to sign a contract and have liability insurance to cover The Larnar County <br />Chamber of Commerce, City of Paris, Paris Visitors and Convention Council'aind the Love Civic Center, <br />I I I I I Ii I I I I I ill I I I I I I I I I ill I I Ill IMKRM ��� <br />Randy Nation stated that the cabinets have been installed and he is working on bids for floor. It was <br />suggested! we do repair work in phases. <br />Randy Nation stated that the bike rentals are at 1650. <br />Jon McFadden presented the new contract, it was discussed and will be voted on at next meeting, He L I <br />also spoke regarding changing some prices. The conference rooms will rent for $125 for North and.---LA-g( <br />South Side, the projectors will rent for $75 for an 8 -hour period. The pipe and drape will rent for $10 for <br />8 feet and $15 for 10 feet. Lastly, the rate for, lighting will be $25 for 4 lights. It was, also decided that <br />for 90 days out, the weekend rate will be $900. A motion to approve was made, by Casey Ressler, <br />seconded by Helen Ressler. All approved, <br />Curtis Fendley stated that the LCC needs to transfer $150,000 from the operating account to the reserve <br />account. A motion to approve was made by Casey Ressler, seconded by CMp McEwin. All approved, <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:42 pm, <br />