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<br />Form GC-4a), not later than 90 days following the end of the Attachment term(s). PERFORMING AGENCY shall <br />submit a State. of Texas Purchase Voucher with the final financial report if all costs have not been recovered, or <br />PERFORMINb AGENCY shall refund excess monies if costs incurred were less than funds received. - <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY shall submit program and progress reports required by RECEIVING AGENCY in the <br />format agreed to by the parties. PERFORMING AGENCY shall provide RECEIVING AGENCY other reports <br />including financial reports RECEIVING AGENCY determines necessary to accomplish the objectives of this <br />contract and to monitor compliance, If PERFORMING AGENCY is legally prohibited from providing such <br />reports, it shall immediately notify RECEIVING AGENCY. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 25. Inspections <br /> <br />RECEIVING AGENCY and, when federal funds are involved, any authorized representative(s) of the federal <br />government have the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work (including reviews of <br />client or patient records and discussions with staff) performed by PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s), <br />ifany, and the premises on which the work is being performed. PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s) <br />shall participate in inspections and provide reasonable access, facilities, and assistance to the representatives. All <br />inspections and evaluations will be conducted in such a manner as will not unduly interfere with the work. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY and its subrecipient(s), if any, shall give RECEIVING AGENCY, the federal <br />government, and the Texas State Auditor, or any of their duly authorized representatives, access to any pertinent <br />books, documents, papers, and client or patient records, if any, for the purpose of making audit, examination, <br />excerpts, and transcripts of transactions related to contract Attachment(s). RECEIVING AGENCY will have the <br />right to audit billings both before and after payment. Payment under Attach.ment(s) will not foreclose the right of <br />RECEIVING AGENCY to recover excessive or illegal payments. <br /> <br />Any deficiencies identified by RECEIVING AGENCY upon examination of PERFORMING AGENCY'S records <br />will be conveyed in writing to PERFORMING AGENCY, PERFORMING AGENCY'S resolution of findings will <br />also be conveyed in writing to RECEIVING AGENCY within 30 days of receipt of RECEIVING AGENCY'S <br />findings. A RECEIVING AGENCY determination of either an inadequate or inappropriate resolution of the <br />findings may result in sanctions which will remain in effect until RECEIVING AGENCY determines the <br />deficiencies are properly remedied. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 26. Records Retention <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY shall retain and preserve all records relating to this contract generated or collected by <br />PERFORMING AGENCY or subgrantee thereof according to Texas Government Code ~441.006, 13 T AC ~6.1 0, <br />RECEIVING AGENCY'S certified records retention schedule, and UGMS, Part III, "State Uniform Administrative <br />Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements," Subpart C - Post-Award Requirements, item _.42. Any <br />record held by PERFORMING AGENCY which is not identified in the referenced retention schedules will be <br />retained by PERFORMING AGENCY for a period of three years from the date of the last expenditure report <br />submitted under contract Attachment(s) or until all audit questions are resolved, or until any court order(s) requiring <br />record retention are dissolved, whichever time period is longer. PERFORMING AGENCY shall retain medical <br />records in accordance with the governing rules or regulations which may be applicable. <br /> <br />(LGS) <br /> <br />2002 GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 17 <br /> <br />04/01 <br />