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<br />1.5 Rehabilitation! Reconstruction Loan Approval <br />I <br /> <br />Units will be rehabilitated following the eligibility procedure listed below: <br /> <br />Applications will be taken following a notice offund availability. Applications will be taken at the <br />local agency or Community Council. Applicants will be required to provide ownership <br />verification and income infonnation. Status of eligibility will then be determined. Applicants <br />whose income is at or below 50% of median as listed in the previous chapter will be considered <br />eligible. Incomes up to 80% will be considered if City's contract perfonnance statement <br />commitment has been met. <br /> <br />An inspection of each eligible applicant's house will be made in order to establish the general <br />condition of the unit. Those units which demonstrate deterioration beyond feasibility to repair <br />under this loan: the scope of work necessary to meet codes exceeds the average allowable amount <br />provided by the loan, will be notified reconstruction would be the recommended method of <br />approach. Or, appropriate referral will be made if alternative funding is available. <br /> <br />When, in the concuring opinion of inspector(s), the initial inspection demonstrates the applicant's <br />disregard for minimal sanitation and housekeeping activities based upon verifiable living <br />conditions which could represent a health and safety threat to City staff and workmen: and when <br />this condition causes inspectors to reasonably expect non-compliance with (3.4), the applicant <br />mayl be notified in writing of the hislher ineligibility for program funds. <br /> <br />Those whose house shows signs of only light deterioration mayl be referred to the Weatherization <br />Program for repairs. The remainder of applicants, who are eligible to receive loans, will be <br />addressed on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds have been spent. <br /> <br />Persons residing in homes located in the flood plain must be willing to obtain flood Insurance. <br /> <br />Due to limited funding, applicants who have not been served by a previous grant will be awarded <br />ahead of those who have received housing rehabilitation assistance from a previous loan. <br /> <br />In situations where applicant housing was constructed prior to 1978, the Lead Based Paint <br />Poisoning Act may require inspection and testing by certified personnel, the cost of which is not <br />eligible for a TDHCNHOME grant if the project is not done. Because of this, applicants will be <br />notified that these units may only be rehabilitated if there are circumstances which guarantee the <br />rehabilitation and testing, if any, can be done within program limits. Otherwise these units will be <br />considered for reconstructed. <br /> <br />-4- <br />