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11/15/2017 Minutes
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11/15/2017 Minutes
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Faris rslttsr�s k(onven,On C�oAncI <br />Board of Dir(Lct <br />_Qa rL_ _ ors; MeglLnL <br />November 15, 2017 <br />4:00 pm <br />M-6'111bers Presprl' Chadlee Johnston, Tony Corso, Bryan Hargis, Josh Bray, Jeff Nutt, Brenda Welk, Jack Neal, Greg Wflson, <br />Renee, Harvey, James Wyatt, Mark Pankaj, <br />Staff -E�resent: Gina Crawford, Becky Semple and' Crew Ruthart. <br />Chadlee Johnston called the meeting to order at 4;04 pm. <br />Jack Neal and Mark Pankaj were introduced, <br />A motion to approve September minutes was rnacle by Tony Corso, seconded by Brenda Wells. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Financials presented by Greg "Wilson, a motion to approve the financials was miade by Brenda WeYs, seconded by Renee <br />Harvey, Motion passed unanimously. <br />A funding request from the Northeast Texas Classic Car Show was presented, They were asking for $2,500, A motion to <br />approve $1274 was made by Renee Harvey, seconded by Mark Pankaj. Motion passed unanimously. <br />A funding request from Paris High School Basketball Tournament was presented. They were asking, for $2500, A motion to <br />approve $2175 was made by Tony Corso, seconded by Jack Neal. Mot lo n passed unanimously. <br />Drew Ruthart spoke about obtaining a Visit Paris Texas domain and starting a website. A motion to approve this was made by <br />Jack Neal, seconded by Tony Corso, Miotlon passed unanimously. <br />One Crawford awford stated that the red phone booth kiosk will be sold or commissioned at an antique mall. <br />Jack Neal stated that the signage for the Trad de Paris is a work in progress. <br />Gina Crawford stated that Business after Hours will be at Texar on November 16 and the All -Breed Bull Sale, Chili Supper and <br />Bake Sauce will be Novernber 27 and 28. Renee Harvey asked for baked goods to be auctioned off. <br />Becky Semple gave her director's report. She stated that there are tons of events in Paris and putting heads in beds. She <br />handed out a written report, She also stated that the fundling application will be looked at and possmbly changes imade, Her, <br />report will be attached to mlnutes. <br />Drew Ruthart stated he is working on the marketing campaign, Visit Paris, He stated that the Facebook page is up and running. <br />He then stated that the Eiffel tower needs to be painted. He showed a display of the color, A motion to paint the Eiffel Tower <br />Restrained Gold, SW 6229, with metallic flakes, was made by Tony Corso, seconded by Jack Neal, Motiron passed unarinIOUOY, <br />Josh Bray stated that the VCC board needs help with ideas on how to put heads in beds. We need some new events to come to <br />Paris. <br />Motion to adjourn at 51:01 was made by Tony Corso. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Becky Semple <br />
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