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December 10, 2002 Minutes of the Paris Historical Commission <br />The meeting of the Paris Historic Preservation Commission was called to order by the <br />Chairman Arvin Starrett. In the absence of the Secretary Paul Denny, Ann Rogers was <br />asked to take the minutes. The roll call was made by Ann Rogers, acting secretary <br />The following members were present. Alvin Starrett, Ann Rogers, Linda Ryan , Sue <br />Lancaster, Barbara Wilson, Becki Norment ,Ex- Officio member Tommy Haynes <br />and City Attorney Larry Schenke. The following guests were present: City Manager Mike <br />Malone, Skipper Steely and Paul Swasko. <br />After determining that a quorom was present, the Chairman began with Item # 4 on the <br />agenda : Discussion and possible action on Commission Rules and Policies. At the <br />November meeting the following persons were named to a sub committee. They were <br />Paul Denny, Sue Lancaster and Ann Rogers. They were asked to develop and prepare <br />rules and policies of the Commission. The members of the Rules Committee Sue Lancaster <br />and Ann Rogers were present, but the death of the mother of the absent member Paul <br />Denny, was noted and it was felt that the committee needed more time to prepare a report. <br />A motion was made to postpone the report on the Rules and Policies of the Commission <br />until the January meeting. The motion carried unanimously after a voice vote. <br />Item # 5 Discussion and possible adoption of standards for historic building rehabilitation, <br />maintenance and construction guidelines. After meeting with Ron Emmerich of Dallas <br />Historic Preservation Commission, it was recommended that The Paris Historic <br />Preservation Commission adopt the National Guidelines for Historic Preservation. After <br />a brief discussion ,there was a consensus of opinion that the Commission quickly adopt <br />guidelines so that current pressing issues with tenants in the downtown area could be <br />resolved. There was a motion to formally adopt the Department of Interior guidelines for <br />Paris, Texas Historic Preservation Commission by Barbara Wilson and it was seconded by <br />Becki Norment. The motion was carried unanimously after a voice vote. <br />To facilitate discussion on Item # 6, the Chairman presented a short synopsis of the history <br />of the downtown commercial district.This is the synopsis presented . <br />"The downtown commercial district of Paris, Texas, long the heart of the business <br />community, contains the original fifty acres donated for the city by early settler <br />George Wright. Some thirteen acrres of the area were destroyed by fire in 1877, and the city <br />then initiated a new fire code, requiring all buildings in the central business district to be <br />constructed of brick or stone. In 1914 the City of Paris sought the professional advice of <br />landscape architect W. H. Dunn of Kansas City, commissioning him to propose specific <br />improvements, including making the central square a formal public plaza, and creating a <br />vastly scaled muunicipal plaza district east of the commercial area, between Lamar and <br />Clarksville streets. In April, 1916 a fire destroyed many buildings in the district leaving to <br />