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MINUTES <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />COUNCIL CHAMBERSi <br />107 M STREET <br />PARIS3 TEXAS <br />THURSIYA-Y,. NOVEMBER 1.� <br />201 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK, P'M <br />1. The Airport Advisorjia Board meeting ivas called to order bj,day Ball, Vice -Chairman at <br />5:3 Op. m, <br />A. The: following members were present: Tim Marks, Jim Noble, Anna, Spencer and <br />Tim Bullock, <br />K The following members were absent: Ray Ball, Daniel Roach and Matt Birch. <br />C. Also present: Lance Nicholson, Engineer Technician; Jerry Richey, Airport <br />Manager; and Ashley Stunipf, City Staff, <br />2 Approval of minutesftoin previous meeting. (October 19, 20,17) <br />Motion was made by Time Bullock, seconded by Anna Spencer to approve the minutes <br />from October 19, 2017 meeting. Motion carried 4-0. <br />I Discussion regarding delinquent hangar rentals, <br />Ashley Stumpf, City Staff stated that all tenants are Lip to date on payments. Carla Easton, <br />City Engineer stated that we have two older accounts for Lee Campbell and Larry Gr'eb <br />with a total of $1,450.00. These accounts have not been paid on since 2006 and 2007. Mrs. <br />Easton further stated Mr. Campbell has passed away and Mr. Greb has not been here in <br />many years. If the board agrees we can waive these hangar -fees. Motion was made by Jim <br />Noble, seconded by Tim Bullock to waive Lee Campbell and Larry Greb hangar fees. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />4. Discussion regarding the n,eiv hangar construction prqjecl, <br />Carla Easton, City Engineer stated that the electric work, doors, to the hangar and paving <br />has been completed. Mrs, Easton also stated that there is an issue with the drainage but the <br />contractors are working to fax that issue. We hope to be able to have our next meeting at <br />the Airport again. <br />5. Discussion regarding development opportunities. <br />