<br />Communication Costs: Includes cellular phone
<br />service for 16 phones / $ 1,020 x 12 = $ 12,240;
<br />office phone and long distance service, 800 number,
<br />and u/c phone: $ 734 x 12 = $ 8,808; pager service
<br />for 9 pagers for officers and u/c - $137 x 12 = $
<br />1,644. $17,019 $5,673 $0 $22,692
<br />Paris Office: Cost for Space: Lease of 3,160 square
<br />feet for office, 1,200 square feet for storage building,
<br />and 3,360 square feet for vehicle storage lot - $
<br />15,000, utilities for the office building - $ 420 x 12 = $
<br />5,040, security system - $ 540. Sulphur Springs
<br />Office: Rent 1300/month, utilities (gas, electric)
<br />750/month, bulding and grounds maintenance such
<br />as f10urescent lamps, filters, and outside grounds
<br />maintenance, building alarm expense in case of
<br />malfunction, and janitorial expense for weekly
<br />cleaning at $ 50lweek.
<br /> $35,835 $11,945 $0 $47,780
<br />Vehicle Operating Costs: Fuel, oil, and maintenance
<br />for eleven employees at $ 4,834 per month for 12
<br />months = $ 58,008. $43,506 $14,502 $0 $58,008
<br />Seizure Expense: Expense incurred on seizures
<br />which includes towing fees, required maintenance,
<br />preparation cost for auction and publication fees.
<br /> $1,721 $870 $0 $2,591
<br />Field Supplies: Provides drug test kits, evidence
<br />storage containers, batteries, video/audio tapes, film
<br />and developing. $7,125 $2,375 $0 $9,500
<br />Office Supplies: Copier Lease (2 machines)- $ 317 x
<br />12 = $ 3,804; postage - $ 5,000; copy paper,
<br />envelopes, computer disks, paper clips, file folders,
<br />etc. - $ 1,000 x 12 = $ 12,000; legal research via
<br />Internet - $ 445.00; software - $200; badges and
<br />patches - $ 370; public service announcements -
<br />$200. $16,514 $5,505 $0 $22,019
<br />Confidential Funds - for purchase of controlled
<br />substance, information and services during
<br />undercover operations. $52,500 $17,500 $0 $70,000
<br />Fidelity/Surety Bond, Vehicle and Canine Insurance -
<br />bond to cover any employee who is dishonest,
<br />commits theft, computer fraud, or the destruction of
<br />anything of value while assigned to the task force.
<br />Comprehensive coverage on all vehicles. Insurance
<br />coverage on canine included.
<br /> $12,158 $4,056 $0 $16,214
<br />Equipment Maintenance: Repair equipment such as
<br />audiolvideo recorders, pagers, etc. $1,920 $640 $0 . $2,560
<br />Canine Maintenance - Food, animal care supplies,
<br />and veterinarian services. $1,500 $500 $2,000
<br />INDIRECT. COSTS (the Direct Costs Against CJD Direct Match Direct
<br />Which the' Indirect Rate Is Charged) Costs Costs Indirect Rate Total
<br /> $0
<br />PERSONNEL $128,806 $2,944 $0 $131,750
<br />CONTRACTUAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $432,536 $128,122 $0 $560,658
<br />TRAVEL AND TRAINING $9,110 $3,037 $0 $12,147
<br />
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<br />BudgetFolTTI
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