<br />Section 1. That the findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby in all
<br />things approved.
<br />
<br />Section 2. That submission of a grant application for the Red River Valley Drug Task
<br />Force to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, be, and the same is hereby,
<br />approved for the project entitled "Red River Valley Drug Task Force" for the period beginning
<br />October 1,2005, and ending March 31, 2006, in the total amount of $414,826.00, same being
<br />federal funds totaling $369,861.00 and local matching funds totaling $44,965.00, said local
<br />matching funds being divided by five (5) entities, with the City of Paris's share of such matching
<br />funds being $8,993.00.
<br />
<br />Section 3. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, appointed as the Authorized
<br />Official of said project and is authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Paris,
<br />the application for grant under the terms and conditions and in the form approved by the City
<br />Attorney.
<br />
<br />Section 4. That the Chief of Police be, and he is hereby, appointed as Project Director and
<br />is hereby authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City of Paris, all reports,
<br />communications, assurances, and documents necessary for the completion of said project.
<br />
<br />Section 5. That the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to
<br />serve as the Financial Officer for said project and to receive and distribute funds for purposes of
<br />the Red River Valley Drug Task Force.
<br />
<br />Section 6. That the City Manager, the Chief of Police, and any other appropriate City
<br />officials are hereby authorized to execute any and all necessary documents incident to the grant
<br />application approved herein and to apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate the grant.
<br />
<br />Section 7. That the Mayor, City Manager, Chief of Police, and the Finance Director be
<br />authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Paris, any and all documents necessary
<br />for acceptance and implementation of said grant upon notice of award thereof by the Office of the
<br />Governor, Criminal Justice Division, under the terms and conditions and in the forms approved
<br />by the City Attorney, and to proceed with use of said funds upon receipt thereoffor the purposes
<br />stated herein and in accordance with the grant conditions.
<br />
<br />Section 8. That the form of the Contract between the City of Paris and the City of Sulphur
<br />Springs, the Counties of Lamar, Hopkins, and Delta, and the 8th Judicial District Attorney for
<br />Delta, Hopkins and Franklin Counties wherein the agencies agree to be bound by the requirements
<br />of said grant, attached hereto as Exhibit A, be, and the same is hereby, approved.
<br />
<br />Section 9. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute,
<br />on behalf of the City of Paris, the Interagency Agreement, under the terms and conditions and in
<br />the form shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto.
<br />