<br />DISANN
<br />
<br />
<br />2005
<br />
<br />Tract 1
<br />
<br />BEGINNING at th t-of-way line of US Hwy 82 ast, !$aid point
<br />being 2,640 feet east of he east 'ght-of-way line of County R ad 41:2600 (Mt.
<br />Olive Road or 6th Street ,E. in R no); !
<br />THENCE easterly ong the north right-of-way line of US HwyjS2 East a
<br />distance of 1,665 feet to point, s 'd point being a distance of ,74i'feet from
<br />the southwest comer of e exis' g Sun Valley city limits line, ~aid IPoint also
<br />being in a fence line; , !
<br />THENCE north wi said fe ce line a distance of 680 feet 0 a :j:loint, said
<br />point being in the origin Paris E T.J. as established by the an exajion of the
<br />Cox Field Airport propert in Ordin ce No. 2169 of the CityofP 's, ~assed and
<br />adopted on the 10th day of Decem er, 1973;
<br />, THENCE westerly ong the aris E.T.J. established by the
<br />annexation a distance of 42 feet t a point, said point being 1/ rnil~ frorn the
<br />most northerly southwes comer the existing Sun Valley city imit~ line;
<br />THENCE northerl , parallel 'th and 1/2 mile west of the os~northerly
<br />west boundary line of the existing un Valley city limits line, a di tanqe of 5,040
<br />feet to a point in the eas right-of- ay line of County Road 4260; ,
<br />THENCE south, w st, and s uthwesterly with the east and SOUiright-Of-
<br />way lines of County Roa 42600 distance of approxirnately 3, 111 ~et to the
<br />existing Reno E.T,J. as hown 0 EXhibit A to the "Agreemen Ap ortioning
<br />Extraterritorial Jurisdic on Overl p" between the City of Paris d e City of
<br />Reno, dated October 8, 1 84; I
<br />THENCE souther along uch agreed-upon existing ten~ E,T.J. a
<br />distance of 5,194 feet to e place fbeginning, containing 193T4 a~tes,
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />Tract 2
<br />
<br />BEGINNING at a p existing Paris city limits line s d~$cribed in
<br />Ordinance No. 97-059, s eing in the east right-of-way line I~f County
<br />Road 32100 and being a f 500 feet south of the center ine ~f US Hwy
<br />82 West, said point also b ost westerly southwest come oftlj.e existing
<br />Paris city limits line; I
<br />THENCE North 02 eg.28 in. 40 Sec, West along said exi tin~Paris city
<br />limits line a distance of 1 078,384 eet, more or less, to a point, s . d p . int being
<br />a distance of 500 feet no of the enterline of US Hwy 82 West, aid Jl>oint also
<br />being the most westerly orthwest comer of the existing Paris c' y l$ts line;
<br />THENCE South 6
<br />north of the .center!ine ~f S I:Iwy.8 West: a.distance of2?47.8 3 fe1t, more or
<br />less, to a pomt, SaId pOl bemg m the eXIsting Toco ETJ line; I
<br />THENCE South 01 Deg, 07 in. 56 Sec, East along the exi tingToco ETJ
<br />line a distance of 1,089. 07 feet, ore or less, to a point, sai pomt being a
<br />distance of 500 feet sou of the c nterline of US Hwy 82 West; I
<br />THENCE North 6 Deg. 32 Min, 31 Sec, East, parallel t an~ 500 feet
<br />south ofthe centerline of S Hwy 8 West, a distance of 2,775,3 3 fe~t, more or
<br />less, to the point of begi ning and containing 63.397 acres, mor or fess,
<br />
<br />
<br />XHIBIT A
<br />