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<br />its residents from being prejudiced in any show cause action pending on appeal at the PUC. If <br />Cities intervene in a show cause action pending on appeal at the PUC, then Cities agree not to <br />take any position in that proceeding that is inconsistent with its obligations under this Settlement <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />4. In consideration for Cities' obligations under this Agreement, Electric Delivery agrees to <br />make a cash payment oUS.5 million to Cities by the later of March 31, 2005 or two weeks after <br />receiving notice from Cities that (1) all cities listed on Exhibit B to this Settlement Agreement <br />have abated or dismissed show cause actions pending against Electric Delivery, and (2) each city <br />on Exhibit C to this Settlement Agreement has passed a resolution ratifiying this Settlement <br />Agreement or provided to Cities a letter in substantially the same form as Exhibit D to this <br />Settlement Agreement that has been signed by an authorized representative of the city. Starting <br />March 31, 2006, and each March 31. thereafter, Electric Delivery will make an annual cash <br />payment of $S million to Cities. Electric Delivery's obligation to make this payment ceases on <br />the date upon which Cities fail to comply with their obligations under this Agreement or the date <br />upon which the tariffs approved in Electric Delivery's next system-wide rate case at the PUC or <br />in a city rate inquiry become effective on a temporary or pennanent basis ("Termination Date"); <br />provided, however, in the year the new tariffs become effective, the annual payment shall be <br />prorated until the Termination Date. <br /> <br />S. Electric Delivery agrees to w',rk with Cities to improve the timeliness of streetlight <br />maintenance and to develop a proee8J so that every city-owned and Electric Delivery-owned <br />street light is assigned an identifish1e geographic location. Signatories agree to establish a task <br />force of senior employees that will develop, by June 30, 2005, the process and planned rollout <br />for the street light assignment project. Electric Delivery also agrees to provide to Cities a <br />specific contact person (or persons) within Electric Delivery who will be responsible for <br />handling all unresolved Cities' requests with respect to streetlights, including, but not limited to, <br />billing, maintenance, installation, removal, and account initiation and closure. Signatories agree <br />to diligently pursue resolution of the issues discussed in this paragraph; however, failure to reach <br />an agreement with respect to these issues will not constitute a breach of this Settlement <br />Agreement by either Cities or Electric Delivery. <br /> <br />6. Electric Delivery agrees to work with Cities to establish improved communication, <br />coordination, and timing of constlUction concerning relocations of Electric Delivery's facilities <br />in public right of way. Signatories agree to establish a task force of senior employees that will <br />develop, by June 30, 2005, the process and planned rollout of an improved relocation process. <br />Signatories agree to diligently pursue resolution of the issues discussed in this paragraph; <br />however, failure to reach an agreement with respect to these issues will not constitute a breach of <br />this Settlement Agreement by either Cities or Electric Delivery. <br /> <br />7. Electric Delivery agrees to discuss with Cities the payment of franchise fees on a <br />quarterly basis regardless of whether the basis for a quarterly payment is historic or prospective <br />and the standardization of a franchise renewal process that permits transition from a prospective <br />basis to a historic basis where the franchise is up for renewal. Signatories agree to diligently <br />pursue discussion of the issues discussed in this paragraph; however, failure to reach a resolution <br /> <br />. - ,... <br /> <br />2 <br />