<br />MONDAY, FEBRUARV 5, 2018
<br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M.
<br />The meeting qf1he Planning and Zoning Coinnn . sst I on was called to order at 5:30 p. im by
<br />Keith Moi,t,ers, Chairman,.
<br />The following members were present: James O'Bryan, Keith blowers, Rick f-lundley,
<br />Mark Panka,j, John Lee, Aijurnand 11ashmi and Chad Lindsey
<br />Also present were Alan Efrussy, Planning Manager; Carla Easton, City Engineer;
<br />Stephanie Harris, City Attorney; Clyde Crews, Fire Marshal; Steve Clifford, Mayor;
<br />Triniti Frazier, City Staff, and concerned citizens.
<br />2. API)roi,al ofminulesfi-om previous ineelings. (,'Amuar)2, 2018)
<br />Motion was made by John Lee, seconded by ArjUinand Hash.m.i to approve minutes for the
<br />January 2, 2018 meeting. Motion carried 7-0,
<br />3. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition ol'Roberl Russell,lbr a
<br />chan,ge in zoning.fi-cern a Commercial District (C) to a (.70minercial District wlSj ecfic Use
<br />,Perinit-52,5ell-.51orage Warehouse (Ci,i71SUI' 5;), located at 4605 Lamar Ave,- known as
<br />City cif. Paris Block 315-A, Lot 1, ABST208 (.,row Suri7ey, 3.52 Acres (is recorded in
<br />Tlll'arraqv Deed 130072-2010, recorded 0110612010, Deed Record Lamar (;"rytrnly Clerk.
<br />Public hearing was declared open
<br />No one spoke in favor or in opposition of the petition.
<br />Public hearing was declared closed.
<br />Motion was made by John Lee, seconded by Ariumand Haslirni to approve the petition,
<br />Motion carried 7-0.
<br />4Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition o 'Amanda Sc olt on
<br />behalf ref' Alec Outdoor Advertising Ll' .161, a change in zoning ftom a Planned
<br />Development District a -
<br />f (PD a -f) to a Planned DeveloInneni District a -f (I D a-
<br />fi with a
<br />,51)ecific Use Permit (Talloo Shoj)) for a Permanent Ifake- Up, Salon, on Lot PT 1, &UA
<br />Con7mercial Addition being located at 2775 NJ'," Loop 280, as recorded in Warranty Deed
<br />055390-2007, recorded 1212012007, Deed Record Lamar County Clerk.
<br />