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t95/ .ƚğƩķ aĻĻƷźƓŭ aźƓǒƷĻƭ <br />CĻĬƩǒğƩǤ ЊЎͲ ЋЉЊБ <br />tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ѝ <br /> <br />communities to benefit from foreign investment without us taking advantage of this opportunity. Mr. <br />Mr. Paris reminded <br />everyone that even though the Hannover Messe conference is 30% of the Marketing budget we are not <br />using the total amount that we could use. We have accumulated approximately $300,000 in marketing <br />funds. Mr. Manning asked about the $8,000.00 registration expense and was told it included hotel and <br />travel expense within Germany. Mr. Hughes stated that <br />reminded the Board there were no guarantees on the number of prospects we receive at any conference. <br />The Board asked Mr. Paris for more information at the next meeting. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> The staff met a couple of weeks ago with the subject being productivity. We plan to follow <br />up leads with the Sales Funnel. <br /> J Skinner has met the first phase of their performance agreement. We reviewed the ADP <br />report and the Workforce report and they have exceeded the 55 new employees by 12 to <br />70 new employees. J Skinner documented 203 full-time employees. In the next six months <br />they will need to retain these jobs and meet their performance agreement before the <br />$400,000 will be paid. <br /> lized their paperwork and a check for the forgivable loan is being <br />processed. The promissory note is for $400,000. <br /> Potters Industries was required to maintain their workforce of 23 full-time employees and <br />to add 10 extra full-time employees by December 31, 2017. We received documents from <br />them showing a total of 43 full-time employees at the end of the year. The final payment <br />of $8,000 is being processed for Potters. <br /> Paris Lakes contract is being reviewed in anticipation of the final date on the contract, <br />May 31, 2018. <br /> We are asking for clear information on the guarantee of the loan for HWH. A letter asking <br />for documentation of the loan was mailed to HWH. <br /> The ag company is being talked to about the rail spur we gave to them. We sent a letter <br />asking that the rail spur be cleaned up. <br /> American Spiralweld application for the Texas Enterprise Fund has passed its due <br />diligence through the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. It is now in <br />front of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House. The 30 day <br />review process has started and a 14 day extension can be filed to complete the review. We <br />are looking at Paris leadership traveling to Austin to support the application. If American <br />Spiralweld chooses Paris, they will be building on the southern part of the Business Park. <br />The PEDC will be doing Phase II cleanup on old Superior Switch and Oliver Rubber <br />properties. Mr. Banks asked what the testing of the soil showed. Mr. Paris said the primary <br />element is barium and our first goal will be to remove the barium around the rail spur. <br />GHD advised us that it could take up to a year to clean up the property. Berg Oliver did <br />the wetlands study and the wetland can be remediated very quickly. <br /> <br />