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QUARTERLY SERVICE COMMISSION <br />CITY HALL 2nd FLOOR CONT. ROOM <br />135 SE Is"* ST <br />PARIS, TX <br />THURSDAY, April 26, 2418 <br />3:30 P.M. <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />I Approval of the minutes. <br />Review, discussion, and possible adoption of preference for certified applicants on the Fire <br />entrance exam. (addition of local rule 143.025 (2) (g)) <br />4. Review, discussion, and possible adoption of an additional tie-breaker for promotional <br />exams. The tie-breaker being the applicant with the highest ranking on the eligibility list <br />offof which they were hired. (addition of local rule 143.033 (2) (e)) <br />Review, discussion, and possible adoption. of a rule in which all circumstances where an <br />employee appeals to a hearing examiner and a list of seven qualified and neutral hearing <br />examiners are provided, the appealing employee must strike: first. (addition of local rule <br />143.057 (10)) <br />6. Review, discussion, and possible adoption of a rule change allowing former police officer's <br />to apply for reappointment within 10 years of resignation in good standing. (amending <br />local rule 143.0251 (1)) <br />7. Comments or questions by merribers of the commission. <br />8. Adjournment. <br />POSTEDFriday. Argil 20. 2018 ri� e4 <br />WITNESS <br />f'OS <br />Friday. Argil 20, 2018 (a), o'clock D. <br />WITNESS <br />POSTED: FrW-4y.Ap 18. o'clock p ._.ELnLQep. Builg�tjR q, _�_1444 N. Main <br />E.H_20 2Q_ <br />� , _.. _ _t__ _B_ <br />By: WITNESS <br />