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<br />1[1040 <br /> <br />Americans with Disabilities Act <br /> <br />. Auxiliary aids and services must be provided to enable a person with a disability to use and enjoy the <br />goods or services of an establishment as long as the provision of the auxiliary aids does not pose an undue <br />burden or is not disruptive to business. <br />. If the policies, practices or procedures of an establishment have the effect of excluding disabled <br />people, reasonable modifications to those policies, practices or procedures must be made unless they would <br />fundamentally alter the nature of the business. <br />. A person cannot be denied the services or goods of an establishment because he or she has an associa- <br />tion or relationship with a disabled person. <br /> <br />111043 Structural Accessibillty - Removal of Architectural Barriers in New and Existing Facilities <br />Section 303(a) of the ADA requires most new buildings constructed and ready for first occupancy after <br />Jan,26, 1993, to be built to be accessible. The same holds true for major renovations begun after Jan. 26, <br />1992. Section 302(b)(2)(A)(iv) of the act also requires places of public accommodation to remove structural, <br />architectural and communications barriers if such removal is "readily achievable." (see Figure 1043-A.) <br />The "readily achievable" standard is defmed in the Justice Department title ill rules (28 C.P.R. <br />~36.1 04) as an action that is "easily accomplished and able to be carried out without much difficulty or <br />expense." The factors to consider in determining whether an alteration is readily achievable include: <br />(1) the nature and cost of the action needed; <br />(2) the overall fmancial resources, staff size, the effect on expenses and resources and safety require- <br />ments at the site(s) involved; and <br />(3) the geographic separateness and any fmancial and administrative relationship between the site(s) <br />and parent company, if applicable. <br />These factors are the same ones used to decide whether a reasonable accommodation imposes undue <br />hardship on an employer (see ~ 1024). Simply stated, if the public accommodation can demonstrate that <br />barrier removal cannot be readily achieved, then it is not required. <br />What the readily achievable standard will mean for any particular public accommodation depends on all the <br />circumstances; it would probably include the addition of grab bars, simple ramping of a few steps, lowering <br />telephones, adding raised letter and braille markings on elevator control buttons, adding flashing alarm lights and <br />similar modest adjustments. For example, a restaurant may need to rearrange tables and chairs, or a department <br />store may need to adjust its layout of display racks and shelves to permit access to individuals who use wheel- <br />chairs, as long as these actions can be carried out without much difficulty or expense. <br />The term readily achievable is unique to the ADA; it was perhaps the only key concept in the law not <br />taken from section 504, It also markS a significant change from section 504, which does not require that <br />existing facilities be made immediately accessible, only that programs be accessible. Under section 504, a <br />program must be accessible "when viewed in its entirety" (see ~330); not every facility must be accessible. <br />And accessibility need not be achieved solely through structural changes. Whenever alternative methods are <br />successful in achieving program accessibility, the time and expense of facility renovation work may be <br />. avoided (see pOl, ~350). Grantees covered by title ill are subject to the readily achievable requirement. <br /> <br />Tab 1000 . Page 106 <br /> <br />November 1991 <br /> <br />Handicapped Requirements Handbook <br />