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<br />STATE OF TEXAS <br /> <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR: <br /> <br />I, Mattie Cunningham, hereby certify that I am the dilly appointed, qualified and <br />acting City Clerk of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and as such I have in my possession in <br />the Office of City Clerk of the City of Paris, all of the Ordinances, Resolutions, and Minutes <br />of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and the foregoing Resolution No. 97-037 is a true and <br />correct copy of the original of said instrument which was passed by the City Council of the <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas, on the 14th day of Apri11997. <br /> <br />1f~~'GiIDl~~ <br /> <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas <br />