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<br />I A. COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT <br /> <br />NOTE: Page 2 of the COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT must be completed and submitted by <br />Community Development Fund and Housing Rehabilitation Fund Applicants only. County <br />Applicants only need to provide information applicable to unincorporated areas in the county. <br /> <br />In the spaces provided below, please provide the following information: <br />. Describe the jurisdiction's current supply of affordable housing (Public Housing, Section 8 assisted, <br />FmHA or RECD assisted, HOME program assisted, TDHCA assisted, Local Housing Development <br />Corp, assisted, etc,). <br />. Describe the applicant's past efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing. <br />. Describe any future efforts that the applicant plans to undertake to increase the supply of affordable <br />housing, <br />. Describe any instances where the applicant has applied for affordable housing funds and did not <br />receive the funding, <br />. Describe any instances, within the past five years, where the applicant has not accepted funds for <br />affordable housing, <br />. Describe the applicant's efforts, within the past three years, to provide Infrastructure improvements <br />through the issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds, <br /> <br />PAGE2 ] <br /> <br />!A.~FOf{DABtl:H(}USING'!N~()RMATJONi"'i ' <br /> <br />, ',".',., ,'.. ,'I <br /> <br />The Public Housing Authority of Paris has 258 units of Public Housing. <br /> <br />The Paris PHS administrates 131 Section 8 Certificates, and 50 Vouchers. <br />Currently, there is a waiting list for the above subsidised housing programs. <br /> <br />The City of Paris, through Texas Rental Rehabilitation Program and Local Match <br />has made 50 loans and has created more thaI 100 units of affordable rental units. <br /> <br />In addition, the City along with DHUD and TDHCA has rehabilitated 60 units of <br />sub standard, low income Owner Occupied Single Family units. <br /> <br />The City has applied for both TDHCA and HOME assistance in the past without <br />being funded. <br /> <br />The City of Paris has never turned back funds which were awarde~to it. <br /> <br />In an effort to support the creation of affordable housing, the City provides <br />loan funds from TRRP Program Income to rehabilitate substandard rental units <br />which will be made available to low to moderate income faminies. <br /> <br />l~gNg~J:.i(}g!-4$AmI9f9!A.Nt~8E:YE/IIUB!1gt!':H;!!t;ll;-(}RMATJ(j'/IIi" 'i iN,? ../ <br /> <br />In 1993 the City upgraded streets, curb and gutter with $287,709 in CO's. <br /> <br />In 1995 and 1996 $958,000 of CO's were issued for a water project. <br /> <br />In February of 1997 $5 million in CO's were issued to provide for the upgrade <br />of the City's water plant as well as other smaller projects. <br /> <br />5 <br />