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MINUTES <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />TUESDAY, APRIL 17,2018 <br />5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeling of the Planning and Zoning Cor nnission was called to or tit 5:32 p, m, by <br />Keith F�Iowers, (,'hairm(in. <br />The following members were present: James O'Bryan, Keith Flowers, Mark Pankaj, <br />John Lee and Chad Lindsey <br />Also present were John Godwin, City Manager; Carla Easton, City Engineer; Triniti <br />Frazier, City Staff-, and concerned citizens, <br />2. Aj)pro val qfminutes ftom previous meetings. (41)ril 2, 201 �) <br />Motion was made by Chad Lindsey, seconded by Mark PankE�j to approve minutes for the <br />April 2, 2018 meeting. Motion carried 6-0. <br />3. Public hearing it) consider and take action regarding the petition qf the ("ity QfParis, <br />Texas to uj)date Zoning Ordinance No. 17.10 qf1he ('it), ql'Paris, Texas", specifically <br />creating sel.nirate land uses,/or VelerinwY Clinics treating sinall and larg'e animals, <br />dqfining these uses, establishing the zoning disirictsfi5r each use, and eliminating the <br />I <br />current entry in the Zoning Ordinanee regarding Veterinarian Clinic and Kennels. <br />John Godwin, City Manager, states it unmakes sense to distinguish between small animal <br />clinics and large animal clinics also, for some locations the best available zoning tool to <br />protect existing development while encouraging new growth is the SUP process. This <br />process allows the City to add specific performance standards, which the April 2nd <br />applicant offered, but which could not be enforced in straight zoning. The City <br />reconimends a new use definition as follows: "Any facility maintained by or for the use of <br />a licensed veterinarian in the diagnosis, treatment, and/or the prevention of animal diseases <br />or medical maladies wherein the animals are limited to dogs, cats, or other comparable <br />household pets," This use would be allowed in: <br />• General Retail (GR) with Specific Use Permit <br />• Commercial (C)—perinitted outright <br />• Light Industrial (1.1)—permitted outright <br />Heavy Industrial (EII)—permitted outright <br />• Agricultural (A)—permitted outright <br />• Office (0) with Specific Use Permit <br />• Central Area (CA)—permitted outright <br />