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<br />liAfFlE GAlLERY & CUSTOM FRAMINli <br />20 North Plaza <br />Paris. Texas 15460 <br />Phone (903)785-8446 <br /> <br />October 29, 1997 <br /> <br />Mr. Terry Colley, Director <br />Texas Main Street Program <br />Texas Historical Commission <br />P,O, Box 12276 <br />Austin, TX, 78711 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Colley, <br /> <br />.Ii <br />I <br /> <br />This letter is to inform you that we, Bob,Judye and Zach Saffle are most interested in reinstating Paris as a Main <br />Srreet Graduate City, We have invested quite a lot of time, money and work in our downtown businesses and <br />buildings for the last thirteen and one-half years, and are excited to learn that others are realizing the value of <br />downtown buildings, We also have an antique business and our son Zach has a costume shop within one of our <br />buildings, Both of these businesses draw people from outside the city, We see people from other countries often <br />who are traveling through Texas and want to see the downtown area of the second largest Paris in the world. <br /> <br />yourQ:' <br />/ u+v~~p- <br /> <br />Judy 'Saffle <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br />, <br />