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Minutes <br />Traffic Commi I ssion <br />City of Paris <br />The Traffic Commission met on Tuesday April 03, 201�8 at 5:15 P.M. in the <br />Municipal Courtroom with the following members present - <br />1 . <br />Wendell Moore <br />2. <br />Sally Boswell <br />3. <br />John Eyler <br />4. <br />Bill Sanders <br />5. <br />Jason Warwick <br />6, <br />Dennis Ashby <br />The city staff was represented by Asst. Chief Randy Tuttle and City Engineer <br />Carla Easton. <br />"Vice -Chairperson John Eyler called the meeting to order at :1 Spm. A quorum <br />was established with six members present. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #2 regarding approving minutes from the November <br />07, 2017 meeting. Mr. Sanders made a motion to approve minutes and second <br />was made, by Mr. Moore. Motion carried 6-0. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #3 regarding discussion, and possible action <br />concerning installation of No Parking Zone lin 2000-2300 block of Clevelanidl. Mr. <br />Tuttle informed members that a request was received by Billy Bell 2054 <br />Cleveland due to him having difficulty in getting in and out of his drive because of <br />vehicles parked on the street. Mr. Tuttle advised members that he had driven <br />Cleveland Street on various dates and times observing the parking situation to <br />determine if there would be issues with emergency vehicles travelling the street <br />because of parked vehicles and there were none. Mr. Tuttle also advised that <br />there had only been two traffic accidents on Cleveland within the past three <br />years. Emily McDaniel 2014 Cleveland told members vehicles are parking too <br />close to the intersection and requested that be addressed. Mr. Billly Bell told <br />members he made the request due to difficulty he has getting in and out of his <br />drive because a vehicle parks across the street. Mr. Belll said he had actually <br />struck a vehicle while backing from his drive. Mr. Tuttle stated he had received <br />calls from Zackary Raulston 2240 Cleveland and Devrie Wybie 2220 Cleveland <br />voicing opposition to a No Parking Zone and Sydney King 2126 Cleveland <br />supporting the No Parking Zone. After discussion among members Mr. Warwick <br />made a motion to request the Traffic Division put yellow paint markings at the <br />intersection to mark the prohibited area of parking and ask the Paris Police <br />Community Policing Officer to work with the residents to address the parking <br />