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6. Con,sl(leralion and action on the lranspr o <br />J'ground leasefi-oin PTERODACTYL, L. L, C. <br />(hangar S) to Erik Zarones. <br />John Godwin, City Manager states ]cases can be transferred for various, reasons and that <br />is provided for in the lease agreements we have. Mr. Godwin states there is no reason to <br />oppose the request to transfer the lease to Erik Zarones. He states if the board makes a <br />recommendation in favor we will place the item on the city council June I I'h agenda for <br />them to formerly approve so that he may execute the lease transfer. <br />Motion to approve the transfer of the ground lease from PTERODACTYL, L.L.C. <br />(Hangar S) to Erik Zarones was made by Jimmy Noble and seconded by Matt Birch. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />7. Requestitemsfear fitinov agenclus. <br />John Godwin advised they will discuss the Airport Master Flan over the next couple of <br />months for what they want to do with future funding. <br />8. Adjow-nment. <br />A motion to adjourn was made by Jimmy Noble and seconded by Tim Bullock to adjourn <br />at 5:46 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. <br />APPROVED THIS 21st DAY OF JUNE 201& <br />Viceā€”Ch-11-111,111 <br />