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the current officially adopted 2001 Comprehensive Plan. In that regard, the staff believes the <br />following information is highly relevant: <br />1) The 2001 Paris Comprehensive Plan is strongly recommended not to be rescinded <br />since much still remains very relevant for Paris. Therefore, staff is recommending, <br />where still relevant and feasible, that the 2001 plan be used in conjunction with the <br />2018 update. Also note that the 2001 plan is still the official and adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan for Paris, and that the 2008 update did not rescind said 2001 <br />plan. <br />2) In relation to paragraph 1) above, however, the 2018 plan update will recommend that <br />the updated Future Land Use Plan, Park Plan, and the Major Thoroughfare Plan be <br />implemented upon the 2018 Plan adoption, and therefore these particular components <br />of the 2001 Plan be rescinded. <br />It is noted that historically, while a comprehensive plan should typically include a <br />range and discussion of well—accepted city planning principles and practice, <br />nonetheless the future land use plan, major thoroughfare plan, and the park, recreation <br />and open space plans are consulted much more often than any other components in a <br />comprehensive plan. However, in addition, there are important city planning <br />principals and practice recommendations included in the 2018 Plan update. <br />3) An historical and fundamental principle in city planning is that short—range decisions <br />(e.g. zonings, site plans, etc.) should always be evaluated against the long-range <br />vision of a city (i.e., especially through the future land use plan). The Paris city staff <br />strongly emphasizes this practice, otherwise why have a long—range future land use <br />plan? The critical reason for advancing this is that the comprehensive plan and future <br />land use plans evaluate and impact the long—range physical development vision for <br />the entire city, and a zoning decision mainly evaluates and impacts a much smaller <br />area. A larger perspective, therefore, will aid in the potential for more efficient, more <br />aesthetic, more cost—effective, and more functional development of a city. <br />4) At the July 9a` Council meeting, staff will discuss a PowerPoint presentation that will <br />further amplify the functions of a comprehensive plan as already stated herein. <br />BUDGET: Minimal or no cost to the city, since the plan update will be done in-house. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Observe the PowerPoint presentation made in conjunction with this <br />agenda item memorandum, make any comments and ask any questions you so desire, and <br />2 <br />