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discussing potential for the airport with developers like Mr. Unruh and Mr. Buster that <br />have an interest in building hangars. <br />5. Discussion regarding the new hangar construction project. <br />Carla Easton, City Engineer states that TXDOT is planning to declare the contractor on <br />the new hangar construction project in default because they have a handful of items that <br />were on their punch list months ago incomplete. The hanger itself is where it needs to be <br />and is operable. TXDOT has indicated that they are going to accept the hanger as it is and <br />declare the contractor in default on the remaining items like the dirt piles they were <br />supposed to haul off, there is a flume drainage ditch that goes around the hangar that was <br />built starting upstream and the downstream stays wet etc. The contractor does not plan to <br />come back to finish. The bonding company will probably be on the hook for those <br />remaining items. TXDOT contractors will be responsible for doing it but they haven't <br />given that over to the City yet. Until TXDOT formally accepts it there is a liability issue <br />and we cannot have someone occupy the space. <br />6. Consideration and action on a new ground lease agreement with Colin Marino for the <br />construction of a new hangar. <br />Lance Nicholson, City Staff showed the map attached in the airport packet for this item to <br />the board members indicating the proposed location of a new hangar. Mr. Nicholson <br />states they think it is the best location to be lined up with the other taxi way. He further <br />states what the City Manager is proposing is that the City would provide the taxiway with <br />RAMP money and the contractor would build his building and he would pay for his ramp <br />and access to the taxiway. He states there would be enough room for additional corporate <br />hangars to be stacked down the taxiway. Anna Spencer states she has a concern for the <br />location of this new hangar not being lined up with the other hangars. Daniel Roach <br />explains there is an advantage to be able to have a drive through hangar because there are <br />some aircraft that have reverse and it is problematic trying to back up. <br />Motion to approve a new ground lease agreement with Colin Marino for the construction <br />of a new hangar was made by Jimmy Noble and seconded by Tim Bullock. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />7. Request items for future agendas. <br />Ray Ball requested the same meeting format be kept and suggested adding an open forum <br />for members to discuss ideas. <br />8. Adjournment. <br />