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06/29/2018 Minutes
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06/29/2018 Minutes
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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />June 29, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Discuss and possibly approve Minutes of the May 25, 2018, Monthly Meeting, <br />Mr. Manning asked if the Board had any corrections to the May 25, 2018 minutes. No changes to the <br />minutes were requested. Mr. Banks made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Hamill <br />seconded the motion. Vote was 4 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and gossibLy ilggrove May 2018 Financials. <br />Mr. Hernandez told the Board there was nothing unusual in the financials. He pointed out the $5,900,00 <br />paid to Alpha Testing and Mr. Paris said that this was for the geo-technical testing in the northwest comer <br />of the Business Park. Mr. Paris also directed everyone's attention to the land purchase of $208,896.59 for <br />the old Superior Switch site. The land purchase was approved by both the PEDC and the City Council at <br />earlier meetings. Mr. Hamill made a motion to accept the May 2018 financials. Mr. Banks seconded the <br />motion. Vote was 4 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss gas consumption with Charley Lewis of Atmos Energy. <br />Mr. Paris gave a brief background on why this is on the agenda. We have a spreadsheet with the variances <br />of the PEDC gas bill. The bill we questioned was for $1277.33 due in February 2018. When this bill was <br />received we asked Atmos Energy to check the building for any leaks. No leaks were found. We asked that <br />Atmos come to our Board meeting to address the issue. Jan Rugg, Manager of Public Affairs and Beth <br />Dattomo, Public Affairs Manager in our area with Atmos Energy came to discuss the gas consumption. <br />Ms. Rugg stated that her background was with the billing at Atmos. She pointed out that we had a much <br />colder winter than we normally do. Mr. Lewis shared with Ms. Rugg a bit about our building; other <br />businesses housed with us and that all the gas used is through one meter. Ms. Rugg had suggested budget <br />billing, but found that it is not available for businesses. Mr. Manning asked if there was a way to check <br />what each business is consuming in gas. Ms. Rugg compared our building to three houses on one meter; <br />the only way to compare what each entity uses in gas is by applying the square footage of each to <br />calculate the percentage used. She asked if each business could be on a separate meter, but this would <br />need to go before City Council and could be costly. Ms. Portugal asked if the two entities that are only <br />open a few days a week are leaving the heat on when they are closed. Also, is there a way to turn their <br />units off`? Mr. Paris answered that the three entities should all be participating in paying the bills. The <br />PEDC is paying these bills with public money. Ms. Rugg commented that our building is an historic <br />building with single pane glass, no draperies, no insulation in the building, and water heaters turned too <br />high. Mr. Paris said our take away on this is that we should be having an open dialogue with the other <br />entities, Ms. Rugg asked that we think of Atmos as our partner and we can call them anytime. Mr. Hamill <br />asked if Atmos keeps track of the weather conditions each day of the year for comparison. Ms. Rugg <br />stated that Atmos keeps detailed records of the weather. He commented on what Ms. Rugg stated about <br />when Atmos costs go up those costs are passed on to the customer. The next question he had was if the <br />costs between 2017 and 2018 had gone up. Ms. Rugg stated that she was not sure if those costs went up. <br />Mr. Banks asked about the "Do Not Estimate" list and if we could request to be on the list. The Board <br />thanked the Atmos representatives for answering their questions. <br />Discuss and possibly approve the Results Company Incentive Addendum. <br />Mr. Paris said during the last Board meeting we viewed the Results Company employment numbers. We <br />saw the company missed their employment numbers, but exceeded their hourly pay rate. The Board asked <br />for an addendum to the contract so the payment would be made. Ms. Harris asked the Board to turn to <br />
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