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Eddie Clement, 2350 N Main St, Paris, Texas, spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. <br />Clement presented photos showing the view of proposed sign from thirty (30) and <br />fifty (50) feet. From thirty (30) feet, facing the Loop, the vision is obstructed by <br />competition Whataburger and Catfish King's signs. Whataburger's sign being <br />measured at approximately fifty (50) feet and Catfish King's at approximately <br />thirty (30) feet. Facing the opposite direction, towards the hospital, at thirty (30) <br />feet the vision is obstructed by the tree line. From fifty (50) feet the sign would be <br />better visible from the Loop and above any surrounding tree lines. Mr. Clement <br />also mentioned that previously the same variance was granted for McDonalds. <br />No one spoke in opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Chris Fitzgerald, seconded by Jerry Haning to approve the twenty <br />(20) foot height variance. Motion carried 5-0. <br />5. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. <br />APPROVED THE 25TH DAY OF JULY, 2018. <br />Chairman <br />