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06/05/2018 Minutes
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06/05/2018 Minutes
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M�inutes <br />Traffic Commission <br />City of Paris <br />The Traffic Commission met on Tuesday June 05, 2018 at 5:15 P.M. in the <br />Municipal) Courtroom with the following members present: <br />1. Wendell Moore <br />2. Sally Boswell <br />3. John Eyler <br />4. Dennis Ashby <br />The city staff was represented by Asst, Chief Randy Tuttle and City Engineer <br />Carla Easton. <br />Vice -Chairperson John Eyler called the meeting to order at 5:17pm. A quorum <br />was established with four members present. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved: to item #2 regarding approving minutes from the April 03, <br />2018 meeting. Mr. Moore made a motion to approve minutes and second was <br />made by Mr. Ashby. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #3 regarding discussion and possible action <br />concerning installation of Stop Sign at 32nd NE & Houston St. Mr. 'Tuttle informed <br />members that a request had been forwarded to the Traffic Commission from Mr. <br />Sanders to place a stop sign at this intersection due to heavy traffic through the <br />intersection. Mr. Tuttle informed members that the Traffic Department had done a <br />traffic count at this intersection and provided members with the results. Members <br />were also informed that there had been no reported accidents at the intersection <br />within the last three years. After discussion Mr. Ashby made a motion to not <br />place astop sign, at the intersection of 32nd NE & Houston St. The motion was <br />second by Mr. Moore and motion carried 4-0. <br />Mr. Eyler then moved to item #4 regarding discussion and possible action <br />concerning installation of speed cushions on streets arouind Wade Park. Mr. <br />Tuttle stated this item was discussed by Council at a previous meeting while <br />discussing the City Park Plain. Council recommended the Traffic Commission to <br />review possible traffic safety issues around the park and consider options such <br />as speed cushions. City Engineer Carla Easton stated that speed cushions are <br />not recommended for use on through public streets such as E. Price Street <br />located on the south side of Wade Park and could pose a liability to the city. Ms. <br />Easton discussed possibly using bump outs and marked parallel parking areas to <br />narrow the traffic lanes to slow traffic. After discussion Mr. Ashby made a motion <br />to table this item and request Ms. Easton include traffic safety issues in the City <br />
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