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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />Tuesday July 10, 2018 <br />4:30P.M. <br />Present: <br />Glee Einmite, Chair <br />Kevin Ashmore <br />Laurie Redus <br />Carolyn Patterson <br />Shelly McDowell <br />City Staff' <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />Tolin Godwin. City Manager <br />1. Glee Emmite called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. <br />Absent: <br />John Brazile <br />Jane Helberg <br />Becky Semple <br />Clayton Pilgrim -Council Liaison <br />Guest <br />Lucy Funk, owner of 127 Lamar <br />Janet Green, owner of 17-27 Clarksville. <br />2. The board held brief introductions and welcomed new members. <br />3. A motion to approve the June 12, 2018 meeting minutes was made by Shelley McDowell, second by <br />Kevin Aslunore, motion carried. <br />4. A. Glee Emmite welcomed Lucy Funk to die podium to introduce their Building Improvement Grant <br />request for the property located at 127 Lamar Ave. Ms. Funk explained she and Dave Wenzel had <br />purchased die property a few mondis back and immediately recognized die need for a new roof due to <br />decades of neglect. The owners completed a total roof replacement. Ms Funk explained their vision and <br />plans for the property and the business they want to bring into downtown. The couple plans on making a <br />loft living space on die second floor. After hearing about die grant and property Glee Emmite opened <br />the floor for questions. Cheri Bedford brought up the grant monies available and it was determined <br />there was $17,000 still available in the fund. Kevin Ashmore asked if this was the 2' quarter or 3' <br />quarter for die grant, and was concerned about finances for future grant requests. John Godwin came to <br />die podium and said die City of Paris would add extra funds collected from the Building Registry fees to <br />die grant fund, so there would be more in die budget in October 2018. Hearing no other questions, <br />Shelley McDowell made a motion to approve a $5000 Building Improvement Grant to Lucy Funk for <br />die new roof replacement on 127 Lamar Ave, seconded by Laurie Redus, motion carried. <br />B. Glee Emmite welcomed Janet Green to die podium to introduce lher Building Improvement Grant <br />request for die property located at 17 & 21 Clarksville Street. Mrs. Green explained that she and her <br />husband have been in die process of reestablishing three existing properties that had been joined <br />togedher into one property in die interior space for an expanded business. This project consists of <br />reestablishing utility services and reconnecting access between 17 Clarksville and 21 Clarksville, <br />restoring fire wall between 21 and 27 Clarksville, repairing damage to die front facade support on 17 <br />Clarksville. She shared die historic photos of the property and explained how it had changed over die <br />years. Future plans are to sell individual buildings, make a loft space over one. They plan on removing <br />metal facade over the next few weeks. After a brief period of questions, Glee Emmite opened die floor <br />for a motion. Kevin Ashmore made the motion to approve a $5000 Building Improvement Grant to <br />Janet Green for die projects as presented. Motion was seconded by Shelley McDowell, motion carried. <br />