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Paris—Lamar County Health District <br />400 West Sherman Street, Paris, Texas 75460-5646 <br />Health District: (903) 785-4561 <br />Women, Infant and Children (WIC): (903) 784-1411 <br />Fax: (903) 737-0978 <br />Minutes of Regular Meeting <br />Paris - Lamar County Board of Health <br />The Paris - Lamar County Board of Health held a regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, July 16th, 2018. <br />Board members in attendance were Mr. Bill Collins, Dr. Eric Salzman, Mrs. Nancy Stallings, Mrs. Connie Stauter, Dr. Mark White, <br />and Dr. Ross Williams. Others in attendance were Dr. Jay Carpenter, Mrs. Gina Prestridge and Ms. Cheryl King. <br />Mr. Collins called the meeting to order in open session at 5:35 p.m. <br />Mrs. Nancy Stallings made the motion to approve minutes from prior meetings and was seconded by Dr. Ross Williams. Motion <br />carried, 6 ayes with a correction to change the number of restaurants inspected from 428 to only 28 on the February 26, 2018 <br />minutes, 0 nays. <br />Mrs. Prestridge advised <br />• Two vacant positions on the board. Mrs. Nancy Stallings term expired but she submitted an application to serve another <br />term and Dr. Jay Carpenter submitted an application to fill the vacant position of Dr. Mark Gibbons, Mrs. Connie Stauter <br />made the motion and was seconded by Mr. Bill Collins to accept the Stallings application. Motion carried with 5 ayes and 0 <br />nay. Mrs. Connie Stauter made the motion and was seconded by Mr. Bill Collins to accept the Carpenter application. <br />Motion carried with 6 ayes and 0 nay. <br />• . Mrs. Nancy Stallings was sworn in for her second and final term. Dr. Jay Carpenter was sworn in for his first term. <br />• The City of Paris and the County of Lamar will each be contributing $75,000 towards the 2019 budget. <br />• We had one public information request, however we did not have any information on the address that was requested. <br />• We may need to review the inter -local agreement at the next meeting. <br />• Recently had a Clinical LVN position open, but filled with Immunization RN and hired a Registered Medical Assistant to <br />take over the immunization duties. <br />• Septic Fees — was advised by auditors that our fee schedule was low according to TCEQ Chapter 285.21 We could charge <br />more for city septic and county septic. The old rates are $160 for single family dwelling within the County and could be <br />raised to $210. and the old rates are $260 for City and could be raised to $410. (The $10 TCEQ fee is already included in <br />all the rates mention.) Mrs. Connie Stauter made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Eric Salzman to raise the fees. <br />Motion carried with 5 ayes and 1 nay (Williams) <br />• Restaurant Inspection Guidelines/Form — according to the State we can update our guidelines and write our own policy to <br />include points deducted for multiple violations, ex: currently only 1 deduction for evidence of insect contamination, rodent <br />or other animal and could change to be 1 deduction for rats, another for roaches, etc.... Will call surrounding counties and <br />see if they have already written policy that we might could mirror <br />