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07/12/2018 Minutes
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07/12/2018 Minutes
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Love Civic Center <br />Governing Board Minutes <br />Love Civic Center <br />July 12, 2018 <br />Present: Curtis Fendley, Pam Anglin, Troy Scholl, Austin Anthony, Dave Cook, Renae Stone, Greg Wilson, Chip <br />McEwin and Linda Kapp. <br />Staff: Gina Crawford, Becky Semple, Randy Nation, Kem Wright, Jon McFadden <br />Curtis Fendley called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm. <br />A motion to approve the May minutes was made by Austin Anthony, seconded by Pam Anglin. All approved <br />Greg Wilson gave an overview of the May Financials, they were accepted into the, minutes. <br />Curtis Fendley stated he asked for a bid from contractors for the upcoming renovations of the Love Civic Center. <br />He received bids from Archer Construction and WRA. It was decided to take Archer Constructions proposal to the <br />Executive Board of the Lamar County Chamber of Commerce. The proposal consisted of approximately $8,000 for <br />a pre -construction evaluation fee and 10% of the total construction. They expect the, cost to be $650,000 to 1.2 <br />million. Jon McFadden added that the audio, video, lighting and HVAC control RFP was issued May 25' and <br />proposals are due July 16th' <br />Randy Nation stated that he would like to plan an AED/CPR class for LCC and Chamber Staff and any board <br />member that is interested. He will schedule a date. <br />The trolley barn is still having mold and mildew issues and a bid was submitted to, install a louvered ventilation <br />system for $2800 plus electrical installation. Only one bid was submitted. The cost of repair may be offset by a <br />$300 damage claim resulting from a trailer being backed into the side of the building last July. A vent or fan will be <br />installed in the area of the damage rather than replacing the damaged metal panel. A motion to approve, was <br />made by Pam Anglin, seconded by Troy Scholl, all approved. <br />Randy Nation stated that the bike kiosk was vandalized. Three bike locks were broken during the night. The <br />perpetrators broke the bikes free and went for a ride across the civic center parking lot. A police officer came <br />through but did not see the perpetrators but his presence scared them off. The officer did submit their license <br />plate to dispatch. A report was filed, video has been provided to police and investigation is underway. <br />Replacement locks have been ordered. Randy Nation suggested we install a new light and possible awing over the <br />bike kiosk. Curtis Fendley stated that we would add that to the proposal for construction and let the contractor <br />decide what would work best. Randy will seek bids to improve lighting on the area. it was the consensus of the <br />board to reduce rental hours from 24/7 availability to 6 am to approximately sunset. This information will be <br />provided to the police department so they will know when bikes shouldn't be in use. <br />Randy Nation created a survey for events held at the civic center. This survey will go to all renters of the civic <br />center and will provide feedback or how the event went, cleanliness of civic center and any other information they <br />provide. <br />The next meeting will be held on September 13, 2018. <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:28 pm. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gina Crawford <br />
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