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<br />damages and judgments, and shall pay all costs, fees and damages to dIe extent d,at such costs, fees and damages arise <br />from performance ,or non-performancc of PERFORMING AGENCY under this contract. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY, by acccplallce of funds provided duough contract Attachmcnt(s), agrces and ensures that <br />personnel paid from dlesc funds are duly licenscd and/or qualificd to pcrform the requircd serviccs. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 23. llnnding <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY is required to carry a fidelity bond or insurance coverage equal to the amount of funding <br />provided under the contract Attachment(s) up to $100,000 that protects each employee of the PERFORMING AGENCY <br />handling funds under this contract, including person(s) audlOrizing payment of such funds. TIle fidelity bond or insurance <br />will provide for indemnification of losses occasioned by: (I) any fraudulent or dishonest act or acts committed by any <br />of PERFORMING AGENCY's employees either individually or in concert widl others. and/or, (2) failure of <br />PERFORMING AGENCY or any of its employees to perform faithfully hislher duties or to account properly for all <br />monies and property received by virtue of his/her position or employment. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 24. Hidnril"~lty "{'C;:~i:f";; <br /> <br />RECENlNG AGENCY must comply widl Texas Government Code, Chapter 2161, and I Texas Administrative Code <br />(fAC) ~~1I1.1I-1I1.24, whereby state agencies arc required to make a good faith effort to assist historically underutilized <br />businesses (HUBs) in receiving contract awards issued by the state to purchase "goods," which arc defined as "supplies, <br />materials, or equipment," services, or public works. PERFORMING AGENCY agrees to assist RECEIVING AGENCY <br />by complying with the same requirements. <br /> <br />A HUB is defmed in the Texas Government Code ~2161.001(2) as "... <br /> <br />(A) a corporation formed for the purpose of making a profit in which 51 percent or more of all classes of <br />the shares of stock or other equitable securities arc owned by one or more socially disadvantaged <br />persons who have a proportionate interest and actively participate in the corporation's control, <br />operation, and maru>gement; <br />(B) a sole proprietorship created for dIe purpose of making a profit that is completely owned, operated, and <br />controlled by a socially disadvantaged person; <br />(C) a partnership fonned for dle purpose of making a profit in which 51 percent or more of the assets and <br />interest in the partnership are owned by onc or more socially disadvantaged persons who have a <br />proportionate interest and actively participate in dlC partnership's control, opcration, and management; <br />(D) a joint vcnture in which each entity in the vcnture is a historically underutilized business, as determined <br />under anothcr paragraph of this subdivision; or <br />(E) a supplier contract between a historically undcrutilized busincss as determined under another parag~aph <br />of this subdivision and a prime contractor under which dle historically underutilized business is direcdy <br />involved in the manufacture or distribution of dIe goods or odlerwise warchouscs and ships the goods." <br /> <br />"Soeially disadvantaged pcrson" is defined in Texas Govcrnment Code ~2161.00I(3) as "...a pcrson who is socially <br />disadvantaged because of the person's identification as a member of a certain group, including Black Americans, Hispanic <br />Americans, women, Asian Pacific Americans and Native Americans. and who has suffered the effects of discriminatory <br />practices or other similar insidious eirculllSlaIlccs over which the person has no control." <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY agrecs to: <br /> <br />I) make a,good faith cffottto subeontract with HUBs during the performancc of its contract Attachment(s) with thc <br />RECEIVING AGENCY and will report HUB subcontract activity on a quarterly basis for each contract <br />Attachment less than $100,000; and <br />2) comply with dIe requircments for good faith cfforts found at I TAC ~~ 111.11-111.114 as a condition of rcceiving <br />the contract award and for continuation of each contract Attachment when eithcr exceeds $100,000. In addition, <br /> <br />(UlS) <br /> <br />1997 GENERAL PROVISIONS - Page 10 <br /> <br />(5/96) <br /> <br />'. <br />