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<br />14) reduce the eonlIaet fwxling amount for failure to achieve or maintain the proposed level of service, to <br />expend funds appropriately and at a rate which will make full uSe of the award, or to provide services <br />as set out i'1 the contract. <br />IS) take any othcr action which is dcemed appropriate. <br /> <br />RECEMNG AGENCY will formally notify the PERFORMING AGENCY in writing when a sanction is imposed with <br />the exception of accelerated monitoring, which may be W1aI1I1ounccd. PERFORMING AGENCY is required to file, within <br />15 days of receipt of notice, a written response to dIe RECEiVING AGENCY's program/division that sent the notice, <br />acknowledging receipt of such notice and how dIe PERFORMING AGENCY will correct the nO!lcompliance. <br /> <br />RECEiVING AGENCY may immediately tenninate or suspend all or part of dIe contract, temporarily or pennanendy <br />withhold cash paymelllS, deny contract renewal or future conlIaet awards. delay contract execution, or amend all or a part <br />of the contract in an emergency by delivering a written notice to a PERFORMING AGENCY by any method stating the <br />reason for the emergency action. The emergency may be a result of dIe PERFORMING AGENCY's noncompliance <br />having a direct adverse impact on dIe public or client healdl or safety, failure to achieve a perfonnance measure, being <br />reimbursed for expenditures which arc not in accordance widl applicable federal or state laws and regulations or the <br />provisions of the contract, or expending funds inappropriately. <br /> <br />PERFORMING AGENCY may request a review of the imposition of the following sanctions: termination of all or part <br />of the contract, suspension of all or part of dIe contract, pennancnt withholding of cash payments, denial of contract <br />renewal or future contract awards, and contract amcndment as a result of thc noncompliance. PERFORMING AGENCY <br />must make the request for review in writing to RECEIVING AGENCY widlin fifteen (15) days from the date of <br />notification. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 26. Tprmin~tinn <br /> <br />In addition to other provisions herein allowing tennination, dus contract shall terminate upon full perfonnance of all <br />requirements contained herein, unless extended in writing, or prior to completion of the contract term, all or a part of <br />this contract may be terminated for any of dIe following reasons: <br /> <br />I) Termination in the Best Interest of the State. TIus contract may be terminated by RECEIVING <br />AGENCY at any time when, in dIe sole determination of RECEIVING AGENCY, tennination is in <br />the best interests of the State of Texas. <br />2) Termination by Agreement. TIus contract may be tenninated, in whole or in part, when both parties <br />mutually agree d,at continuation of the contract would not achieve the objectives and goals of the <br />contract and d,at continuation would not be mutually beneficial. <br />3) Termination for Cause. RECEIVING AGENCY reservcs dIe right to tenninate this contract, in whole <br />or in part, upon the following conditions: <br /> <br />(a) TIle PERFORMING AGENCY makes an assigruncnt for the benefit of its creditors, or admits <br />in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or consents to the <br />appoinnnent of a receiver, trustee, or liquidator of dIe PERFORMING AGENCY or of all <br />or any part of its property; if judgment for dIe payment of money in excess of $50,000.00 <br />(which is not covered by insurance) is rendered by any court or governmental body against <br />the PERFORMING AGENCY, and dIe PERFORMING AGENCY does not discharge the <br />judgment or provide for its discharge in accordance widl its terms, or procure a stay of <br />execution thercof within 30 days from the date of entry thereof, and within the 30-day period <br />or a longer period during which execution of the judgment shall have been stayed, appeal <br />therefrom and causc dIe execution dlcrcof to be stayed during such appeal while providing <br />such reserves dlerefore as may be required under generally accepted accounting principles; <br />or a writ or warrant of attac1uncnt or any similar process shall be issued by any court against <br />all or any material portion of dIe property of dIe PERFORMING AGENCY, and such writ <br /> <br />(UlS) <br /> <br />1997 GENERAL PROVISIONS - Page 12 <br /> <br />(5/96) <br />