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• All awards for local businesses have been submitted. Finalists for the Texas Downtown Association President's <br />Award should be announced very soon. <br />• John Brazile suggested partnering with PDA to create additional activities to bring more people downtown so <br />they realize what downtown has to offer. In addition to Main Street and PDA events, Cheri Bedford suggested that <br />we encourage businesses to create and fund their own events to entice people to come into their stores such as Texas <br />Furniture has done with music inside the store. <br />• Laurie Redus has created a data base of volunteers in Sign Up Genius that could be used by the committees for <br />events. <br />• Laurie Redus suggested that the Main Street website should be revamped. The Chair Glee Emmite stated that <br />the Main Street website could be on the agenda for October. <br />5. Committee discussions <br />• Design - Glee Emmite is the liaison to HPC. Janet Green brought her plans to the last HPC meeting to share. <br />She has already received the monetary award for the building renovation. <br />• Promotions — Chair John Brazile reported on a productive meeting in August. Market Square Affair event was <br />finalized. Chad Lindsey reported on the possibility of a music festival downtown during the summer. More <br />information will be presented as it becomes available. <br />• Economic Vitality — Chair Kevin Ashmore was not present. <br />• Organization — Chair Laurie Redus reported that all committee topics had been discussed earlier in the meeting. <br />• Chamber & VCC — Becky Semple was not present. <br />• PDA — Glee Emmite reported that the PDA meets Wednesday morning, August 12''. Plans for Mannequin <br />Night will be finalized. This year, prizes will be given to Best Mannequin and Best Store Decorations. <br />6. Main Street Manager's Report — Cheri Bedford <br />• Speed boats for the races on September 15-16d' at Lake Crook will be downtown Friday night, September 14`h <br />for Show & Shine. <br />• Cheri Bedford has been asked to speak to a group of teachers at Aikin Elementary School in November. Since <br />the request is the same time as the Main Street Meeting, Cheri Bedford proposed that we use the November Main <br />Street regular meeting time to host a downtown tour for these teachers. The Main Street board members all agreed <br />that this was an excellent opportunity to share with the community everything that downtown has to offer. Cheri <br />Bedford will arrange the specific details. <br />7. Laurie Redus made a motion to adjourn, second by Jane Helberg, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at <br />5:14 PM. <br />Approved this day of _ C.�� 2018. <br />Glee Emmite, Board Chair <br />